Thursday, May 31, 2007

All My Bags are Packed...

Yes, I am getting ready to spend some time off with family and friends. We plan to swim, visit the zoo, look at vacation homes (just for fun!), eat healthy and I plan to walk! Yes, I am walking now and although not quite as fast or with the same gait I used to have, I am thrilled to be walking and celebrate this every day.

I know that when I get off the rest of my medications, which I am planning to be off before the end of June, I will be able to lose the weight gain which the medications have caused and also able to be more focused.

Today my physical therapist said, "your Achilles rupture was a blessing"... she was referring to greater problems I might have had in my leg... and while she was thinking about the physical part of the blessing I was thinking about the true gifts.

New friends, re-connection with old friends, clear business focus, time to write, very, very deep soul work, learning how to slow down and be still, seeing life from a new perspective and letting go.

I live now in true flow... each thing comes in and out and I let it be.

Life in this way is more joy-filled!

So, I may not be posting for awhile as I plan to fully connect and be with my friends and family and will be leaving on a jet plane soon!

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

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