Monday, September 24, 2007

The Clock of Life

One of the lessons I teach to future coaches and to all my clients, is that we know our birthdates and we don't know our check-out dates. Every second of life, therefore, I live as if it were my last. This is why I do only what brings me joy and pleasure and I make time for what is really important.

During a spiritual service this past weekend I was given this poem in a booklet that was passed out to those of us who mourned the loss of a parent or a child. I don't know who to attribute it to, and I was touched by how it illustrated the point I try to make.

The Clock of Life

The clock of life is wound but once,
And no man has the power
To tell when the hands will stop --
On what day or what hour.
Now is the only time you have
So life it with a will.
Don't wait until tomorrow
The hands may then be still.

My Goal Is YOUR Success!
Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching SM
PresidentComprehensive Coaching U, Inc.

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