Friday, June 03, 2005

Stressed-Out Susie

"Susie" has a full life. She just graduated with her Master's Degree in Psychology and at the same time is getting married in a month and moving from the east coast to the west coast. She is excited, happy and yet finds herself full of stress.

During our coaching we identified the stress as coming from her constantly thinking about things that "might" happen like: she might not find a job, something might be forgotten for her wedding, she might not like the west coast, she might forget to pack something important, she might not have money, etc.

We co-created a worry-less/stress-less plan. To begin the plan, each day when Susie thinks of thoughts that cause her stress, she is going to stop thinking about them and jot them down in a little journal she is going to carry around. She'll just jot down a real quick note. Then, once each day, at a set time, she is going to spend 20 minutes thinking and yes, worrying if she wants, about the things in her journal.

Next, for each item on her list, she is going to think about the worst thing that can happen and then what action she'll take if that happens. Again, she gets 20 minutes per day for this.

The goal? Have her begin to control stress by scheduling it and using her rational mind to remove it.

Terri Levine

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