Monday, July 16, 2007

The Morgenbesser Famiily

I am always so proud to be part of my mother's family. They are loving, funny, generous and really caring people.

On Friday, my Uncle Carl, passed away. Carl was one of my mother's brothers.

Carl was our single Uncle who always played with the kids, took us to Coney Island and to the Seaquarium and created picnics on the floor of my Grandmother's house with blankets and snacks!

He was loving and fun.

Carl was single and lived with my Grandmother.

When my Grandmother passed, she asked her other children to promise to care for Carl and they all did right up until his death.

My mother, when she was alive, made mounds of chicken, and veal, and pasta and drove from NJ to Brooklyn, NY to carry these heavy trays of food to him. My Aunt and Uncle went to visit him on a regular basis and cared for him during the past few years when he was put in a nursing home.

Sadly, he was badly depressed and had been on the wrong medication for many, many, many years. His happiest years hae been in the nursing home:(

He loved the nurses and had a "girlfriend" there and the nurses really took stellar care of him and cared for him with love.

The funeral was Sunday and my Uncle was buried next to my Mother - just as she planned and purchased him a plot soooooooooooooo many years before her death in 1996.

I grieved for the loss of my Uncle and the loss of so many Morgenbesser's over the years... my Grandparent's, my Aunt Fran and Uncle's Ralph and Seymour and also felt sadness that our family was shrinking. Of course, I also missed my Mom, dearly.

Later, at the home of one of my cousins, where we all gathered to share memories and laughter and get some food in our bodies... we laughed, we hugged, we told our stories about Uncle Carl and the other Morgenbesser's transitioned. I felt connected, and honored to be a Morgenbesser!

Today, as I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel about yesterday, I realize it is more about having a family that is connected and supportive than it is about loss.

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  1. Dear Terri,

    I am so proud to be a part of the Morgenbesser family as you are. Uncle Carl's passing was very sad not just for me but for Hayley and Steven. They will miss him terribly.

    I miss your mother as well. She had an infectious laugh that will always remain in my head. We have a great family and I just love to hear new
    stories about the old days.


  2. I am so glad you shared how you felt, too.

    My Mom did have a great laugh.

    It is awesome to be part of her family and to be connected to you and your wonderful husband and beautiful children.

    YOUR mom is in my prayers every day.
