Friday, June 29, 2007


Watching TV commercials and overhearing conversations everywhere I have been in the past month or so, I hear about the iphone over and over. I do admire Apple and think they are a clever company, ahead of the curve and really creating products based on people's desires. What puzzles me is why everyone has to rush out and get the latest toys, like the iphone.

People who have little or no money are willing to spend a few hundred dollars on this instead of making payments on their credit card debt that they already have.

As a coach I began to notice my own client's patterns and realized that many of my clients, when they first came to coaching, had a simliar pattern of having to get the latest thing on the market. As they have come to realize that spending money and getting toys isn't the source of their happiness, they buy less, have a simplier life and are much, much happier.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not saying don't buy this product and who knows at some point I may be writing this from my own iphone... what I am saying is think before you buy anything... take time to feeeeeeeeeeeeel why you need or desire to make a purchase and to evaluate what you currently have and what you really need vs. what is cleverly marketed or might be you trying to keep up with others.

Take your time before you spend money and in my experience you will have more money!

Terri Levine, PhD

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