Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Coaching Myself Back to My Ideal Body

From my Achilles injury last September and being in bed or a wheelchair for about 4 months and not having full use of my leg until recently, I have gained weight. I am also on medication for the RSD that I have, which causes weight gain.

My doctor told me to give up trying to lose weight and to "accept this is how my body is due to injury". I thought about what he said and found it didn't resonate. I feeeeeeeeeeeel better with less weight and my body feeeeeeeeeels stronger when I am lighter.

So, I have been following the coaching principles from my book "Create Your Ideal Body" and am coaching myself to healthy weight loss without dieting, pills or lots of exercise (which I can't yet do anyway!). I know it will be more difficult to lose as I can't move about much yet and the medication slows my metabolism, yet I know coaching is the answer.

I am feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling better since making this decision and can't wait to see the Dr. in 4 weeks;)

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

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