Thursday, December 01, 2005

"That's a Funny Thing to Say..."

If your clients or customers ask for something strange or say something unexpected, do you tend to respond with comments like, "What an odd thing to say!" or "Wow, I've never been asked THAT before!" or any other response that in any way suggests you consider their comment or question unusual?

Even if you laugh it off, realize this... most people feel awkward or embarrassed when they're made to feel they've uttered something different to everyone else. They don't like to be seen as stupid or silly, and 9 times out of 10, they usually know they're asking a doozy of a question anyway and may even tell you so themselves.

Keep a straight face - your client's dignity must be maintained at all costs. Do not laugh or seem surprised or incredulous. Merely reassure them that "No question is too silly" or too different or too out there or too whatever.

Be cool, calm and collected - show them what you're made of - by handling their strange request or comment completely at ease and by all means taking it in your stride, then you are confirming to them that you are a true professional who knows your stuff and can be trusted.

Easy to remember, really... nobody likes to feel like a fool.

Terri Levine

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