Friday, December 09, 2005

3 Steps to Prosperity - Step 3

The last part of the prosperity coaching process is to give money away.

I don't care if you are in a place of lacking for money right now, give something away. Pay for another car going through a toll booth, or give a friend something. As you give money away, you open up the channels of yourself receiving money. You show that you are believing (maybe not fully, yet) that there is abundance and that you trust that more will come back to you. This puts you in alignment with prosperity.

I have seen this in action. It is a universal law and it works. Until you feel confident and discover for yourself that this does work, start off with small donations. Give away your small change to all the small charity boxes in stores. Help out the old lady at the checkout ahead of you who is $5 short to pay her shopping bill. Give generously in your Church when the plate is passed around.

What goes around, comes around! If you hoard your money, you halt the process and effectively block any more coming to you... you have to keep the flow going...

Look at all of the wealthiest people in the world today - major business leaders and entrepreneurs, even famous singers and movie stars - these people spend hundreds of thousands on donations and doing things for those less fortunate than themselves. And yet, they never seem to run out of money, even though they're giving it all away! They know that somehow, it will come back to them plus more via some wonderful new opportunity or "amazing strike of good luck"!

I tell my clients, "you are allowed to have it all!". There is nothing that stops you from having financial independence but you - I know that's hard to hear. We'd rather blame someone or something else, right? It is time for you to declare YOUR financial freedom and create the money you deserve!

You've got the 3 basic steps, so what's stopping you?

Terri Levine

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