Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Life Coaching

Have you ever thought of a career in life coaching?

Comprehensive Coaching U (http://www.comprehensivecoahingu.com) is committed to providing top quality coach training that is inspirational and transformative.

It offers an innovative curriculum that integrates mind, body and spirit. Comprehensive Coaching U graduates loving coaches who want to make a significant difference in their time on the planet.

At Comprehensive Coaching U, we believe our home study at your own pace learning program combined with telephone and email support, provides quality education at affordable prices. We excel at teaching coaches the coaching skills owned by world renowned coach Terri LevineIf you find yourself indulging a bit too much and worrying how you are going to handle the holidays, it is time for you to take the actions that will have you eating without overeating.

First, be conscious, present and aware before you start to put food in your mouth, of how you want to experience your meal. Do you want to rush? Not taste or enjoy your food? Do you want to clean your plate ands till feel famished?

Or, do you want to eat slowly, enjoying the food, your surroundings and the taste of each morsel? Do you want to full satisfied and have half the plate left to save for lunch? Do you want to eat healthy and be thin?
Before you eat ask yourself if you are really hungry. Sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger. Have a glass of water instead, and then wait about 10-15 minutes and if you still feel hungry go ahead and eat mindfully.

Terri Levine,

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