Thursday, March 30, 2006

Worked Himself To Death

We had terribly sad news this week. One of my personal assistants, who I adore and is one of the people I have the highest respect and admiration for, informed me that her husband's nephew died tragically. He was working like mad and recently became a partner in a restaurant (which had standing room only every night!) and he came home late at night and fell asleep with his car running in the garage.

I feel shock and sadness and can't understand how something like this can happen. I have faith in a higher power yet am still baffled by this event. To loose a young life from overwork and exhaustion....

I hold light and love for his family and hope the memories of this young man will bring the family much comfort over time.

Terri Levine


  1. Oh, Terri, this is so sad. They have to be absolutely devastated. It will take quite some time for the shock that this even happened to wear off.
    Will light a candle.
    Take care,
