Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Creating Positive Change

I stopped at a store last evening to pick up something I need for my trip out of town later this week and observed a young child with her parents. The child was acting out and struggling and wanted to run free in the mall and was yelling and creating a major fuss. What was interesting to me, is that of the 10 strategies to effectively change child behavior, these parents had all 10 mixed up - hence the child continued on.

I won't go in to all the details and do cover it in my parent coaching certification ecourse, but here are some of them:

There was no good reason for the child to stop this behavior.
The parents tried to use rewards, which don't change behaviors.
The child wasn't being told what the bad behavior was.

I know from working with parents and children for over 25 years, that you can easily and effortless teach a child to behave well and it stems from helping a child see the consequences for "bad" behavior.

I felt bad as these parents were frustrated and also showing anger towards each other. If only they had the parent coaching assistance to set limits on bad behavior!

Got my passion for making sure that more people have these skills burning...

Terri Levine

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