Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Stressed Out Steve

Steve, we’ll call him, told me that between his job and the stress there and then coming home to his children and having to run them to soccer and dance and to karate, he has little time to relax and his stress level is really building.

He doesn’t take much care of his own needs as he is so busy making sure everyone else’s needs are met. His concern is that his stress is causing him to loose patience with his children and he feels he is not being a good role model for his children (he has full custody of his 3 children).

We co-created an action plan to decrease the stress. First, Steve is going to take breaks at work just to stop and breathe deeply to calm himself down. Next he told me that when he works out or takes a walk he relaxes. He is going to join Karate with his son and also try to walk each morning since the weather is now nice.

He also said that he eats a lot of junk food for lunch and also at work and often eats fast food with his children. He felt that if he ate healthier he’d also reduce his stress. He is going to eat more salads for lunch and also snack on things like apples and pretzels instead of the chips and soda he’s been eating. He is also going to pick healthier foods when they eat fast food. More chicken, more salad and less fries.

Steve also said he would focus more on what is working and try to lighten up and see the positive aspects of people and situations. He is also going to see if his neighbor across the street can take turns with him taking their daughters to dance as this would cut out so much rushing around.

Terri Levine

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