Friday, May 27, 2005

Network Nancy!

One of my clients, "Nancy" is a network marketer who works a full time job during the day and got involved in network marketing to make extra money. Her dream is to later quit her J-O-B and work her MLM business from home spending more time with her family and hobbies.

Today I coached her to see how to make the MLM business be less passive for her, so in 5 hours a week, she can earn maximum money from it. Most of the coaching was helping her to create a shift in her thinking from her selling the products to focusing her energy and creating a team of people who love the products as she does and are also passionate about selling it and creating their own businesses with it.

She is thrilled so far at the income she is making and sees that residual income in the future can be huge. She sees great possibility and feels within a year or two she can set the foundation for making six figures. I heard excitement in her voice.

As we co-created an action plan she spoke to me about her vision and passion for sharing products that create more health for people with the products she sells and I got her to also be jazzed about creating more financial freedom for her business partners, too. This was her gap - the missing link for her.

She left the call with the play work of completing the Goal Planner (a coaching tool from and had a deep sense of being committed to her plan!

You go, Nancy!

Terri Levine

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