Friday, November 26, 2004

Self Care

Self Care During Holiday Time

Everyone I meet talks about how busy they are. My personal focus is on not being busy and fully enjoying each second of time on this planet. Instead of being in “doing” mode I am in “being” mode. This, I believe is why I feel less stress.

Before I volunteer for a project, accept a dinner invitation, or say, “yes” to anyone or anything, I check in. I ask myself if I really have high desire to do this thing, and if it were my last few minutes on this planet, if I would choose to do this or something else. Knowing, fully, that each breath might be my last, I then make my choice.

If you want to create a more extraordinary life and feel less stress, here are my golden self-care rules:

1. Sleep 7-8 hours every night
2. Schedule quiet time with yourself daily
3. Meditate at least 5 minutes/day
4. Deeply breathe all day long
5. Eat healthy and keep away from caffeine
6. Keep a journal or diary
7. Say NO more
8. Communicate what you REALLY want to say
9. Celebrate YOU… each day think about all the positive aspects of YOU

If you don't already have your own copy of the bestselling book, Coaching For An Extraordinary, get it today.

Terri Levine
Comprehensive Coaching U

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