Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Walking Your Talk

As a part of coach training we teach things like being non-judgemental, finding greatness in people, making people right, not putting people down, not gossiping behind people's backs, etc. To me, these are basic human behaviors of kindness love and humanity.

I got the oddest email from a person who has Reverend in front of his name and am really shocked by it. Not only isn't it coach-like, it is far from spiritual essences I would expect from a Reverend.

It was filled with judgment, finding fault, accustations, and told me he engages in talk about me behind my back.

I wonder why there is such contrast and difficulty for this spirit in walking his talk and living and breathing coaching skills and living and breathing as a Reverend and I send him much love and light. I see his humanness and where he is on his path of evolution andI hold when he develops on his path of personal development, he will be more loving, gentle, kind and accepting of others.

Terri Levine

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