Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

We live in a society where we take things for granted and sometimes we don't realize just how much we do have to be thankful for.

Consider this... The A family go shopping for thanksgiving, loading up with the largest turkey, the finest treats and maybe splash out on new dinnerware. They are accustomed to this lavish lifestyle - it's all they've known. It doesn't occur to them to be thankful for their very fortunate, lavish lifestyle and they take it for granted.

The B family go shopping and can only afford a chicken with some simple vegetables, and somebody is going to bake some home-cooked pies for dessert. The chipped dinner plates they use every day will have to do for them. It's a financial struggle. They don't feel overly thankful because of this struggle and yes, they are envious of the A family.

The A family needs to be very grateful for their lavish lifestyle and if they need a reminder, maybe they can visit the B family! The B family needs to be very grateful because even though it is a struggle for them, there are other families who can't even afford a chicken.

Both families may think, defensively, but we work hard for this - we deserve it. Yes, and so does the poor worker in some far off country, bent doubled in a rice paddy, who works longer hours, in uncomfortable conditions and is lucky to afford rice for his family. If we look hard enough, we will ALWAYS find something to be grateful for – even if it comes down to just being loved in life by one person - our Mom!

Here are some other things to be thankful for:

Having a house to live in - some people have to live out of a car. And if you live in a car, that is also better than having to live outside in the elements with nothing more than a coat or a newspaper to cover you on some hard, cold park bench.

Whether you are rich or poor, there is something for everybody in our stores and supermarkets. We have variety that many in poor countries could not even begin to imagine! We may have to queue up and that is a pain in the neck - but not nearly as annoying as it must be for some Russian women who have to queue for HOURS just to buy bread! And in the snow!

For a job that enables you to pay rent and buy food - there are many unemployed. For the unemployed, give thanks for living in a country where there are welfare payments to assist you. There are countries in the world where there are no welfare payments and the family eats because of the efforts of charitable organizations or they don't eat at all.

Be thankful for your health. Look around and see the many thousands who suffer poor health or some form of disability that makes life extremely challenging for them.

For your children... with all their noise and mess and grey-hair causing behaviours – because there are many couples who cannot have children. There are some countries where you are only allowed to have 1 or 2 children, and there are countries where girl children are killed because sons are perceived as more valuable.

For the farmers who provide the food you ate on Thanksgiving - who work long thankless hours, who suffer the consequences of droughts and fires or floods just to make their living and get you your turkey for thanksgiving!

So, for those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving, I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, and remembered all the things for which you can be truly thankful.

Terri Levine

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