Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Create An Upward Spiral

I was teaching a class yesterday with The Coaching Institute VIP students and we were talking about how we and our clients get into negative spiral thinking. One negative thought pulls in a like negative thought, then another and another and on it goes.

Then later last night I was working on a chapter of a new book I am writing and decided to teach the kind of thinking I do as a systematic process. It is the opposite of negative spiral thinking and works on the same principles... like thoughts attract like thoughts. I wake up each day and grab a positive thought before I get out of bed... then as I work out, shower, eat and get ready to begin my work or play day, I grab more and more positive thoughts and any time I can during the day I amp those up and IF I find a negative thought lurking around, I quickly pull in positive thoughts.

People also remark that I am in a good mood even when stuff is not quite right in my life experience. This is because I control my own thoughts and I know I choose how I want to think and feeeeeeeeeeeeeel and act in each moment.

Try the upward spiral!

Terri Levine

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