Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Being Authentic

Many years ago I attended a training seminar to become a certified trainer for one of the biggest motivational speakers ever in the industry. The training experience was a full week and we had evenings free. Late one night I was taking the elevator in the hotel and bumped into the trainer who had taught us to always be in a positive frame of mind and say how things are going great. So, I said to the trainer, "how is it going?", expecting the answer we'd been taught to give. The trainer said, "ok". I felt so let down and never fully resonated with this famous motivational speaker and felt them to be a fraud.

If you call yourself a motivational speaker, a life coach, an empowerment coach, a positive person, a spiritual coach or person or claim any title, you need to BE that and live that and breath that!

Yesterday at lunch with a friend, she pointed out how a coach we both know who claims to be "spiritual" takes actions and does things far out of alignment and that people are "getting this" and running from this person and see this person as a total fraud.

It is clear to me that you must BE authentic. Be WHO you are all the time. Live your truths.

Terri Levine

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