Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Loving My Work

As the author of Work Yourself Happy you may have guessed that everyday I get to do what I love and love what I do.

I deeply LOVE my work and I also love the people I get to work with. My clients and support team are awesome and I am blessed to have them in my life.

It is a delight to see my clients grow and build a business or create more success in their personal lives or at work or in their health and wellness goals or relationships or with their mates and children. I so enjoy watching my clients shift from worry and stress to easy, effortless systems and lives.

I happen to make a great living doing what I do, but even if I did not, I am too passionate about this work, and would keep on doing it even if the financial rewards were small.

I also am so glad to be surrounded with great teammates that support my work and assist my clients. In corporate America I didn't get to choose the players and now I have the wonderful benefit of selecting top people who are fun to work with.

I am appreciative each day that I do get to Work Myself Happy!

Terri Levine

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