Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Stress Be Gone!

I can feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel stress in the air as I speak to clients and go about my day. I de-stress following one simple thing I learned from my husband about 18 years ago, which has served me to this day. He said to me once, "If you can do something about something to change it, then do it and stop thinking about it and if you can't, stop thinking about it". At the time it sounded so simple it was almost ridiculous to me and as the years went by I began to understand. Stress is a choice. Just like worry or fear. I choose to live my life feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling happy and peaceful and letting in JOY! I do not choose to have worry and stress and focus on pain and what is not working, so I have to let go of those things that are out of my control. When I let you, I relax. As I said in "Work Yourself Happy", ..."let go and let God".

Terri Levine

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