Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Meditation To Slow Your World Down

Everywhere I go people are running, rushing, pushing, driving fast and not focusing on the present moment. They talk about the future and they focus on what is to come, rather than live in what is their now. Let's face it, tomorrow is uncertain.

I believe that what shifted for me years ago in being able to stay present and focused, was to meditate when I walked. By meditating while moving I got in touch with my energy and could feel and connect in with my body and also allow the outside world to be less important. I feel more connected with the universe and myself just from this daily practice.

I am not doing anything during my walks other than focusing all my attention on me... my breathing, my stride, my feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, my presence... my joy... my peace... my calm...my clarity... my thoughts... during my walks, nothing matters in the universe but me.

I believe this single daily action can reduce daily tensions and stress and open you up to connection. Move your body and you will find your world will slow down.

Terri Levine

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