Thursday, January 05, 2006

Stretch Yourself in 2006

For no special reason, other than perhaps it's the start of yet another new year, I had a think about all the many wonderful people in the world who, for one reason and another, never realize their full potential.

If you've lived your life so far not realizing your potential, maybe 2006 is the year you should look at yourself in the mirror and discover just who you are and what you are really capable of!

Have you ever thought to think about the boundaries and labels that define your life and your work? There may be geographic boundaries, socio-economic boundaries, industry boundaries, ethnic boundaries. You may be wrapped in the labels of wife, boss, father or employee. You may be believing what your parents or other people in your life have said you are. If their opinion of you hasn't been flattering, this has been keeping you down... maybe it's time you proved them wrong and started living up to your full potential!

Today's world is filled with amazing opportunities. Stretch your boundaries and labels to discover new ways of thinking and being. Stretch for your success.

Here are three easy ways to begin to stretch yourself:

  1. Meet someone new every day. Make a point of saying hi to five total strangers every day!

  2. Read a publication from a different industry. You don't have to buy them, you can read them for free at your local library.

  3. Drive a different route home from work.

Do something differently, just for the heck of it. It really will make a difference. Try it!

Terri Levine

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