Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Fact: You won't get noticed unless you stand out. Therefore, you won't get promoted unless you can rise above the pack. Here are some ways to get that coveted interview with the boss, and to get noticed:

  • Help solve important problems. Consider doing extra work or research on your own time.

  • Get published. It could be in a trade or professional association publication, or in your organization's newsletter. Write a piece that will put your organization in a good light, or show your knowledge of your field.
  • Develop your speech skills.
  • Network with doers. Reach out to those beyond your own team or department. Do favors for team members and co-workers, but keep your own work top priority.
  • Update your resume. Ask someone influential about where to send it in-house. Let a few select people see that you're serious about career advancement.

  • Do good work. And make sure it gets noticed.

There's no sense being overly modest or letting others take all the glory for YOUR efforts. Stand up and be counted!

Terri Levine

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