Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Competition is healthy. Competition is good. It provides us with variety, helps keep prices down and the benefits of businesses competing are enjoyed by us all.

On the other hand, if you are in business and your competitors are putting on the squeeze or you are working in an extremely competitive market, trying to stay one step ahead, let alone level, can be challenging.

So, if you are brainstorming for new ideas, or improved ideas, try this exercise...

Pretend you are your competition looking at your business.

While you are "them" (you're pretending, don't forget), what can you do to top your business or put you out of business? Looking at your business from this unique perspective may show you potential areas for either problems or success and enable you to attend to these areas before your competitor takes advantage!

Or what can you do better? (You're still pretending to be a competitor looking at YOUR business.) If you find something a competitor could do better than you - get in first and make it better before they do!

In fact, pretend to be a competitor and look at your business the same way you look at your competitors. By doing this to your own business you will stay on top of potential problems. By seeing your company through your competitors' eyes you can stay if not one jump ahead, then at least level with them and you will be able to protect your business interests. Find your weaknesses before your competitor does by pretending to be them surveying your business. What services or products could your competitors come up with to top yours, and so on... then beat them to it!

Terri Levine

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