Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Sales Coach

How Does a Successful Sales Coach Assist Work?

As more and more sales people are hiring sales coaches, companies often ask me, what do sales coaches do?

A successful sales coach will start with the inner landscape of the person. Starting “inside” out. That means, instead of giving more information, the sales coach begins by helping the person to develop an inner framework that allows them to be successful.

The very successful sales person is different from the average sales person in that they have a well-evolved inner foundation/landscape. Their inner stories are positive.

So, sales coaching should always start with where people are in their heads. Finding out things like what the work “sales” evokes for the sales professional. How they feel about selling. What might need to shift so they can generate more opportunities?

If you are a sales person the best place to start to improve your sales is to become non-judgmental about selling. Identify your “story” about selling. Before you engage a sales coach, think about why you want sales coaching and if you really want it.

If you don’t want to sell more, or be challenged to go the next level, a sales coach is not for you. So, for now, really think if sales coaching is right for you.

For more information and tips like this visit:


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