Sunday, February 28, 2010

Please RSVP...

You probably get invited to business seminars all the time.

Some make outrageous claims while others just look boring. Some are 'get rich quick' while others are for beginners.

This one is different. It's for existing business owners who are doing well, but want to do better.
And it's free. We ask for a $50 contribution to a sick girl who needs our help and we include lunch as well. Your only investment is one day out of the office, spending time working ON your business, rather than IN your business.

It's practical, it's results-orientated and it's run by me and I have solid expertise in sales, marketing, public relations and marketing your business on the web. And I am good at teaching what I know so that you can apply the information to your business the next day.

The only claim I make is that it will stimulate your thinking and help you improve your marketing. And I have evidence from thousands of previous attendees to back that up.

Recent attendee Jemila Williams said, "Two hours with Terri turned into an additional $15,000 of business."

Recent attendee Gail Shafer, said, "One day with Terri Levine turned into an additional $22,000 of business."

Paul Patrick said, "I have come away with new ideas and simple strategies that won't cost me money that I know will generate additional income."

Barbara Evans said, "One idea I got from Terri instantly saved a large client I was about to lose."
Randy Sanja said, "Just one idea I took from Terri will generate at least 10 new customers this week."

You might think there's a catch as we aren't charging you for the day and giving you training and lunch and asking only for a $50 charitable contribution. There is. You will have the opportunity to find out what we do and audition me and see if you might want to apply to be on of my VIP clients. No pressure, zero selling and nothing to invest in at all.

Even if you do nothing else with us, you will discover, as thousands of business owners have before you, that this day is worth a lot to your business - possibly thousands of dollars in additional sales.

This invitation is going out to 43,762 business owners, but not all will qualify for a free place.
To see if you do, go here:

Terri Levine

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