Tuesday, November 08, 2005

When You're Not Good Enough - Part 2

"I'm too self-conscious"
Think about a time when you were really having a great time and enjoying yourself, or when you achieved something special... I bet you weren't thinking about yourself then... you were too engrossed in the situation or moment. When you start to think about yourself and you feel your esteem slipping, turn your focus to something else - concentrate on the task at hand or whatever you are doing... and if your "self" continues to invade your thoughts, just keep repeating "This is okay, I'm okay", and refocus on something else.

"That was just good luck"
Was it? Or was it something more? When something works out well for you, don't just write it off as 'good luck'... realize that in most cases we create our own 'good luck' situations, so you must have done something to have earned the success. Start to take credit for your successes - pat yourself on the back and say, "Well done, self!"

"I just can't be bothered..."
Why not? If you are so lacking in confidence that it's got to this stage, start doing things you know you are good at - and it can be anything! Doing something you know you are good at, and doing it well because of that, is a surefire way of boosting your self-esteem. Do things you are good at often - keep your self-esteem up and it will make a difference when the times comes for you to do something new or different. Maybe you are good at cooking, or writing, or dancing, or arts... it doesn't have to be something serious.

"I'm too uptight"
Try meditation, exercise, Tai Chi, or relaxation tapes. It's hard to think straight when we're stressed or uptight and anxious. Relaxing helps you to get things back into perspective and think clearly.

"I'm never right"
Really? Never? You'd best contact the Guinness Book of Records then. Make a list of the times when you were right, and remember, nobody is right all the time... in fact, there are people who are wrong many times, but they don't let that stop them or their enthusiasm for life. You are allowed to be wrong... none of us are perfect and nobody is right all the time.

Stay tuned for Part 3 next week...

Terri Levine

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