Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Do you feel caught in a perpetual tug-o-war between the needs of your family and the demands of your work? If so, you've got a lot of company. Balance has become the Holy Grail in the new world of work.

What is balance? Let's begin by talking about what balance is not. Balance is not about squeezing as much as possible into every second of every day. Balance is not about double booking your schedule or worshipping a ten page "To Do" list. Balance is not about being a slave to email. No, balance is about savoring life. Balance is about listening to your favorite music or eating lunch in the sunshine on a beautiful day. Balance is about making choices that allow you to be YOU in the best way possible.

Achieving balance begins with tossing out time management tools. Realize that time management tools are just that -- tools. Not "laws". They are only effective when used in the right situation. Would you use a tape measure to plug a leaky pipe? Probably not. Too many of us have blindly embraced a generic "one-size-fits-all" time management lifestyle in our quest to squeeze more things into our lives. But do you really want to do MORE things...or do you want to do MORE MEANINGFUL things?

Go for balance by building your life around what is truly important to you.

Terri Levine

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