Tuesday, October 25, 2005


This week it's the "I can't get no satisfaction..." blues.

Whilst we'd all like to believe Companies have become places of enlightenment, who finally realize their greatest asset is their employees, and providing them with fulfilling and satisfying career opportunities is on top of their agenda, sadly, this is not the case.

If you are in a situation where perhaps you cannot easily find a new job and temporarily, for financial reasons or whatever, must stay put, realize that every job has the possibility of providing you with the satisfaction you seek, and as it is YOUR life and YOUR job, it is YOUR responsibility to put "oomph" into it!

First, take pride in what you do. All jobs are important, otherwise they would not exist... therefore, what you do IS important.

Be very clear about what you expect from your job. List what you do like and what you don't like about your current job. Put on your thinking cap... can you do anything about the tasks you don't like to make them more acceptable to you?

Consider discussing your role with your manager. How can he or she help you brighten up your position so you get more enjoyment from it. If your manager doesn't know you are unhappy, he won't know you need help. It may be possible to incorporate a new and more interesting task to your job, something you'll look forward to doing. Or maybe you can re-work an existing task schedule to make it more interesting. Now, we're not saying every Company will embrace this, but you won't know, if you don’t give it a go!

You do have to take responsibility for your own job satisfaction.

Articles abound in various publications which indicate a rise in the numbers of people who are dissatisfied with their work or their career. Of course, many of these dissatisfied blues singers are going back to school to learn new careers, or jumping onto the self-employed, entrepreneurial bandwagon. Companies are becoming more aware of the need to provide satisfying employment and are willing to find ways to provide this... but sometimes you have to be the instigator and perseverance pays off.

Terri Levine

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