Saturday, August 28, 2004

New ComprehensiveU Site

For those of you who missed the deadline for the special "blog readers offer" please do visit Comprehenisve Coaching U for books, videos, kits and articles, from Terri Levine, such as provided here:

You Could Be A Coach If?

Ever find yourself overcome with a mysterious urge to pick people up, dust them off, and set them off on the yellow brick road to success even if you've never met them? Ever had to bite your tongue because some part of you desperately wanted to help someone, but decorum and a sense of "what will this perfect stranger think of me if I said that!?" holds you back? Ever fight this same, powerful urge when you come across somebody who is dithering, because he doesn't really know what he wants to do, and if he does, he's not doing anything about it?

Ever wonder why your view of the world is colored by a warm and cheerful, rosy hue, yet people around you are describing a dull, gray color? A Pollyanna you may not be, and you don't have to see the world through rose-colored glasses, but if you see the world as a place of opportunity, a positive place, and you notice what is good and right you are different to people who see shadows where you see cloud shapes, or if they do see cloud shapes, they're looking at something like the grim reaper, and you're seeing butterflies. Yes, some of us do believe life can be easy, uncomplicated and fun. We believe it, because we live it! If you live it too, or want to live it and want others to live it, there could be more at play here than just your good nature!

Do you really enjoy the company of people? Do you see them as unique individuals, yet part of a connected whole? Do you accept them without judgment? When everyone else talks about how rude and lazy Joe Bloggs is, do you see the wonderful potential he has and talk about how clever he is at making the most of his relaxation moments while the rest of the world grows stress ulcers? Wow! Have you got the symptoms!

What about how other people see you? Do you ever ask yourself, "What am I? Some kind of Dear Abby?" Do people, be they friends, family, or co-workers, come to you with their stories and ask for your advice, or just to cry on your shoulder and hope for your words of wisdom? Are you the keeper of their deep, dark secrets? Do people naturally confide in you? Do you enjoy that? Yes, maybe you do have a trusting face but perhaps, it's something more Do you enjoy chatting with people about their problems? Of course, maybe you are just nosy, but let's not discount the very real possibility that you are sincerely interested in other people and they sense that.

Perhaps you find talking to strangers an easy and fun thing to do. Maybe you have that golden knack of making people feel at ease a pre-requisite for spilling the beans to you in the first place, wouldn't you say? And if showing care and consideration to somebody who is upset is second nature to you, of course, this might be the "nursing instinct" in you that never had the chance to bloom because your education veered off in the other direction, and again, it might not.

Perhaps you have a background in teaching or training? Perhaps you admire public speakers who motivate others to greatness! It certainly fits into the jigsaw puzzle, doesn't it? Speaking of puzzles maybe you are one of those who can read between the lines of what is being said to you you can really listen and hear more than just words. Yes, sounds like you have a great set of ears, but then again, great ears aren't everything although they do look terrific with great earrings - but you are using more than ears to listen to these people.

Are you innovative and entrepreneurial, and do you enjoy sharing your knowledge with others and helping them? Do you enjoy finding new ways of doing things? Are you creative? Perhaps you are interested in doing something that will benefit society these are all "signs", you know! There is a name for all these feelings there is an answer why you may often feel frustrated because you can't express the real you!

If most of these things remind you of yourself, I'm surprised you aren't a Coach already! What good is all your great advice, expert knowledge and know-how if you can't apply it to yourself? If your advice is good enough for other people, why don't you take it? You want to help people, you enjoy helping people I bet you'd love to be paid for it so what's stopping you?

If you are a great people person, who gets along well with all types of people from all walks of life, then you have a great gift, and those with such gifts who are benefiting individuals and businesses worldwide are known as personal and business coaches. Don't you feel better now, knowing that there is a word for your condition?

If you are interested to work on your own personal development, willing to walk your talk and be an exceptional role model to others, you have what it takes to be an exceptional Coach.

Add to these talents a desire to be your own Boss, work your own hours, choose your own clients, your own niche, etc., and what we have here is a professional Coach.

So, now you know what your condition is, perhaps you are wondering how to deal with it, or even when to deal with it! Or maybe you've just been laid off work, or maybe you are ready for a change of career. Maybe you just want to work from home for personal reasons. Or it could be that the idea of helping people the way you have been, from the comfort of your own home, being your own boss, AND getting paid for it is just incredibly attractive! (It is possible to help people who don't find that attractive these are the same people who can't see your butterflies of course, they'd have to hire a coach first!)

Well, why not consider becoming a certified Coach? It's a way of being that allows you to work your own hours, while you help people attain their goals. It's challenging, fun, profitable, and rewarding. And best of all it removes that empty feeling you sometimes feel because you have these incredible gifts and the strong desire to use them to help the world and you just don't know how!

If you'd like more information on how to treat your 'condition',please visit me at my web site

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