Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Making Lawyers Rich

I am so amused by people who aren't able to speak their own truth and who don't openly communicate their feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings to others and then run to attorneys to hide behind. These types of people aren't in integrity. They aren't being authentic and openly communicating and don't value others in their lives or believe that adults can discuss and negotiate. It is a certain type of weak and pathetic person who tries to avoid conflict and who actually believes the legal system works for them as a client.

Knowing the legal system, I know it as a system that makes attorneys rich and drags things out for years and years. I handle my own life and business by being an open, clear and plain communicator and speaking my truth to others and allowing myself to hear others truths as well.

Real coaches use the powers of negotiation and coaching skills to move through conflict quickly with ease and grace.

A few weeks ago a good friend asked me about a colleague of mine that he heard sued her former business parter and then he asked me if I was also having legal contrast with her. I didn't get into any details or say anything regarding this and realized he clearly knew this same woman was back into the attorney game again.

He marveled that a person who held herself to be a high level coach was unable to function in society using coaching skills and speaking her truth and being able to tune in and knowing how to use mediation and negotiation tactics directly. He told me he and others were shocked by her behaviors as they have been hearing that she is "sue happy" and seems to prefer this method than being willing to talk and handle her own affairs. He said many of her former collaborators were not running from her and other potential players already were getting word from this large growing network within the industry to stay clear of her.

It really has made me think.

When one represents themself as a coaching expert, as a model of living and breathing coaching, one must really hold themselves accountable and ethical in the profession. I can't say I openly communicate if I would run in fear when someone I had contrast with reached out to speak to me and I certainly would never run to an attorney to handle things because I had fear about handling things myself.

It is one of those things I was teaching a large group of coaching students recently... they were asking about "walking the talk" and gave me examples of people in the industry (including this person referred to above) and wondering how a coach could run from direct communication, could be all about attorneys and threats and law suits and how that coach could attract any good from that. One woman asked powerful questions about this coach's motivation and wondered if the coach is in soooooooooooo much lack financially while pretending abundance that the coach would do anything to try to get money.... another wondered if the coach liked to "win" and another suggested the coach did not know how to accept the lesson of the present being perfect and the key essence of living from acceptance.

I simply have noted the conversatations being raised up the actions of this coach. I feeeeeeeeeeeel sorry for this human being who is not able to speak their truth and who is wasting her time, money and certainly her energy and reputation spending her years in this business engaged in law suits that the entire industry seems to be aware of.

I send her love and light and hope she will find a way to be happy in her life without feeeeeeeeeeling she needs attorneys and to create law suits.

I also hope that her ethics will change so she can join the mass of professional and ethical coaches who are deeply engaged in living the coaching principles and who have fully embraced them as their code to live by.

One of the reasons we have always had a lot of student coaches at The Coaching Institute (www.coachinstitute.com) and Comprehensive Coaching U is that were former attorneys and gave that up to become coaches, is they see the negative, nasty way the law is and the types of people who like to litigate because they can't communicate and handle society through speaking and respecting and also can't allow people and things to move on and be complete.

My wish is that anyone who is choosing the legal game and helping attorneys get rich, learn coaching skills and become a coach with all their hearts so they can be a loving and active and fully engaged member of our society.

Terri Levine


  1. Hi Terri,

    This is an important lesson. Fighting is never productive, while negotiating a loving win-win always is.

    I appreciate that you "simply have noted the conversatations" and have not gotten caught up in them.

    I would caution others in the industry to avoid gossip and instead send "love and light and hope," even as you have done.

    If anyone wants to know the details of this coach's situation, they certainly can ask her. From what you outline, it appears people are falling into the trap of repeating hearsay.

    Nevertheless, we all must walk our talk -- especially as coaches -- to elevate the resonant quality of our collective spirit.

  2. Tshombe,

    You have such a lovely and succint way of putting things and getting to the heart.

    I thank you for hearing the lesson and sharing your thoughts.
