Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Manifesting What You Desire

If you are ready to manifest what you desire you need to understand that you give off energy all the time. If you resonate and give off energy of what you desire you will attract more of what you desire. This is fact - universal law.

So, why aren't you resonating with what you desire?

Your subconcsious is filled with old information... programs, stories, beliefs and lots of baggage you don't even know you are carrying around.

You haven't learned to focus on the energy and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings of what you want and you don't believe you really can have all you want.

So instead you manifest what you are an energy match to and often this is because you are thinking about how life is hard, how you don't deserve what you want, how you'll never get the right job, you'll never be financially secure or never attract your ideal mate or never build your dream business.

If you remember that what you think and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel about you'll be able to use your thought and energy power to manifest what you really, really want. That is exciting!

Quantum physics tells us that humans have about 5000 thoughts per day and those thoughts create your life experience. I say choose those thoughts wisely and consciously.

Most people are not conscious of their thoughts and simply let in thoughts that don't serve them or that hold them back. You probably aren't even aware of these thoughts.

You might be thinking about how hard it is to attract clients or to make money or to loose weight or to be in a great relationship. Your brain may be saying, "I won't be able to make my business work... I'll never be successful... I can't loose weight.... I can't keep my weight off...I don't look good..." etc.

Again, you may not be aware of these deep subconscious thoughts.

These thoughts and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings create energy and that energy attracts just what you have been thinking about even if you say, "but I don't want that!"

The good news?? You can begin to manifest what you really want starting right now!

Simply shift your thoughts and consciously over and over and over again feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel what you really want frequently and consistently!

That was your halloween magic gift from me... enjoy!

Terri Levine

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