Wednesday, March 14, 2007

American Idol

I rarely watch TV but for some reason, every year, American Idol pulls me in. I was pondering last evening why I was so addicted to the show. I am not a fan of Randy Jackson nor Paula Abdul, so that couldn't be it. I don't care for Ryan Seacrest and yet I watch every show!

I guess what captivates me is what I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel for the singers. How they give their all, and how much they really want this dream ,and I get caught up with them. As I get to know them more on each show, I become engaged.

Ok, now I figured it out.

I watch because the show is about people. People going for it big. People with a big dream. People with a goal, a vision, filled with desire and passion and feeeeeeeeeeeeeling.

Ah, I get it now.

People who are using the law of resonance to attract what they want!

Now I get why this appeals to me!

Yours in Living an EXTRAordinary Life,
Terri Levine

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