Thursday, January 11, 2007

Stop Managing and Start Coaching

One of the companies I consult and coach with asked me to create a plan with them on how to deal with their low performers.

We took a Stop Managing, Start Coaching approach based on my international bestseller by the same name and co-created our coaching plan.

We sat with each employee and made them aware of their productivity rate, their amount of days in late, days called out and reports sent in late. We shared the statistics and came from the approach that we wanted them to see what we had seen.

We held no judgment, we didn't make them wrong and we praised and honored all they were doing right first.

They were all shocked and some embarrassed by the actual statistics.

Then we asked them to co-create an action plan that matched their real abilities and their real gifts and talents, which is why they were hired in the first place.

Each one created a plan and I trained their managers to coach them through the plan each week. I am sharing with you today that the CEO told me on our coaching session today that the improvement went from 72% productivity in August of 2006 to 87% as of today! We are both delighted.

Coaching works. Managing is dead.

Stop Managing, Start Coaching!

Terri Levine

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