Monday, August 14, 2006

Health Information

I just got back from NY where I spent a few days learning about heart health and man do I have some powerful information to share! I have a burning passion to get the word out on this!

I won't go into great details today... basically... bad lifestyle decisions we are making are creating our poor health. Each year, the number of people who die is equal to the population of a city like Philadelphia... imagine, a city like ... the entire population... just gone!

People loose 14.2 years of their lives due to heart attacks.

50% of men and 64% of women who died of heart attacks had no symptoms.

Cardio vascular disease is a lifestyle disease.

Diabetes is now considered heart disease.

Cardio vascular disease is the number killer worldwide... it represents 40% of all deaths... 1.3 million people die each year in the US alone from this disease... that is 3500 deaths a day... or 1 death every 24 seconds... hundreds of people died while I was writing this and while you are reading this!

Cardio vascular disease is the number one killer of women over age 25.

And, 90% of us have high cholesterol and don't even know it!

Mark and I take a product that is the only clinically proven, safe and natural way to keep LDL down an average of 20% and increase HDL an average of 24%. This natural product is the number one product recommended by doctors and is in the PDR, and is the BEST solution to unhealthy cholesterol and the risk of heart attack.

If you want a safe way to lower cholesterol that is all natural and would like me to personally tell you about it, let me know. The only side effect is weight loss.

More info at: enter this pin: 97095001 or my name.

Terri Levine

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