Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Days of Our Lives (Cont 10)

I returned from my speaking gig on Celebrity’s Galaxy cruise ship and met with Gayle today.

Gayle was excited to tell me she had a new office manager and things seemed to be rolling along there.

She hosted a gathering at her home for many of her colleagues and discussed with them her new center and the focus on alternative medicine that she has been a student of for about 12 years. Gayle said many were interested in hearing more and she set up individual lunch, breakfast and dinner times to meet with these folks individually to see how they can support each other and their patients.

In the meantime, Gayle shared that her private pay clients coming for the alternative medicine techniques had grown to 23 and she really believed this was going to work.

She also told me she was bringing less physical work home and her mind was able to let go of the financial challenges and work stress. She found more time to go walking, to get massages, to sit in her garden and to simply be with her husband.

In Gayle’s words, “All IS well”.

Terri Levine, founder and CEO,



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