Saturday, May 29, 2010

How to Create a Million Dollar business

Happy Memorial Day!

I hope you enjoy the long weekend and enjoy time
with your family. :-)

Also, I wanted to let you know about a very
important webinar I'm hosting on Wed, June 9 at
1 p.m. Eastern time.

It's all about How to Create a Million Dollar

Even better, it's free.

I've been working on the slides and presentation
for much of May -- so I can tell you with total
confidence: You're going to get a TON of value!

Please click this link to register (only 100
spots available)...


Friday, May 28, 2010

Top 10 Radical Shifts to Extraordinary Business Results

Top 10 Radical Shifts to Extraordinary Business Results

Achieving extraordinary business results in today’s lightening fast world requires some radical shifts in thinking and acting.

1. Business is more than the bottom line and a balance sheet.
People make business happen. To achieve extraordinary business results cultivate deep and agile relationships with your colleagues, clients, customers, suppliers and competitors, and provide 100% customer service.

2. Always check your bags at the curb.
Ditch the beliefs standing in your way. Nothing kills an extraordinary business result quicker than a misplaced belief or a hidden agenda. Be open to thinking in new ways and you’ll discover new possibilities. You will become lighter, move faster, be more spontaneous and cover more ground with less effort.

3. Surrender the Outcome.
Being focused on the outcome limits your perspective, hinders your ability to seize opportunities along the way, and makes you less willing to take risks. It’s like running a race with blinders on. Focus on making each day extraordinary. It is too easy to reject an idea or opportunity because you are prejudging or attached to the outcome – unless you have a crystal ball, you DON'T know the future.

4. Waste some time every day.
Create space in your life to invest in yourself and in others. All work and no play makes everyone dull. You will avoid burnout and stress by making time for yourself… frivolous time! The results are extraordinary.

5. Heart + Head + Soul = WOW
Achieving extraordinary results doesn’t have to be a struggle. To reach for effortless and extraordinary results get your heart, head and soul in sync. Create a place of integrity, momentum, harmony and no regrets. Doing what you love makes work feel like play.

6. Don’t be Afraid to Look Under the bed.
We’ve all got a place where we seldom think to look for solutions. There may be treasure in the junk and monsters aren’t so bad when you look them in the eye. Plus, small ignored monsters tend to grow into huge monsters that get in your face – better to deal with them when they are small and manageable!

7. Use your Accelerator to Slow Down.
Ease up on the accelerator to slow down. You don’t have to stomp the brake. The smoothest stops are gradual and gentle. And your car will last longer and use less gas. Anticipate and plan. You can make mistakes when you rush things.

8. Make it Bigger than You.
And it will pull you and everyone else along. Realize it’s not about your success or failure. When you start a business you are impacting on your clients, customers and your staff as well as your family. You must see the bigger picture and realize it is no longer just about you.

9. Don’t Forget to Signal Before You Turn.
If you want people to follow your lead, don’t make them guess where you’re headed. Avoid a lot of crashes, fender benders and missed turns by telling folks which direction you are going before you take off. This is important for your customers as well as business associates and those who work for you.

10. Wear Comfortable Shoes.
Be yourself. You’ll get more done, have more fun and build more powerful relationships.

Bonus tip:

Find the “extra” in the ordinary.
Sometimes the answer is right in front of you. Don’t become so blinded by shiny new gizmos that you can’t see the obvious. Sometimes it is better to leave things as they are, in that, if it ain't broken, don't fix it. Sometimes it is better to upgrade and modify our procedures. Think carefully and ask for opinions from your customers and staff before making any major changes.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Last Chance: 1 day seminar: 20 Foolproof Ways To Increase Your Business Success And Profits

May 21, 1 day seminar with Terri Levine: "20 Foolproof Ways To Increase Your Business Success And Profits."

Terri Levine, a 30-year veteran marketing consultant will be discussing key issues for building sales and increasing profits in today's competitive marketplace. Terri Levine states that there are four hyper-responsive areas for increasing revenue:

1. Getting more new customers
2. Increasing the amount each customer spends every time they purchase
3. Turning one-shot buyers into repeat customers
4. Building an automatic, ongoing referral system

A wide variety of strategies and techniques for improving all four vital areas will be presented. Simple, practical solutions will be discussed for maximizing sales and profits with little or no increase in marketing expense.

Terri Levine has observed that in nearly every industry, the vast majority of companies seem to market exactly the same way. This is a form of marketing "tunnel vision" that leads to very predictable and limited results. Having helped companies in a wide variety of industries increase their sales and profits, many of the most effective techniques Terri Levine will present are the result of "cross-pollinating" highly profitable techniques from one industry to another.

If your business is at the point of needing to know new and effective ways to stimulate sales, then this is a day you can't afford to miss.

The seminar will be held at Talamore Country Club in Horsham PA, on Friday, May 21 from 9AM to 5PM.

Enrollment is $150 per person and includes lunch, a huge training manual and other success materials.

Reservations will be accepted on a first request basis. Please go to: as soon as possible.

We look forward to meeting you in person at the seminar.

Susan Guiher, Director of Operations

P.S. Terri will personally critique as many marketing pieces as time permits. Be sure to bring your ads, sales letters, and other marketing documents.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Are you sitting on an increase in response of as much as 1900%?

When marketing and advertising your business, your headline can make or break it - A free test can tell you right away.

Read more here: