Friday, June 29, 2007


Watching TV commercials and overhearing conversations everywhere I have been in the past month or so, I hear about the iphone over and over. I do admire Apple and think they are a clever company, ahead of the curve and really creating products based on people's desires. What puzzles me is why everyone has to rush out and get the latest toys, like the iphone.

People who have little or no money are willing to spend a few hundred dollars on this instead of making payments on their credit card debt that they already have.

As a coach I began to notice my own client's patterns and realized that many of my clients, when they first came to coaching, had a simliar pattern of having to get the latest thing on the market. As they have come to realize that spending money and getting toys isn't the source of their happiness, they buy less, have a simplier life and are much, much happier.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not saying don't buy this product and who knows at some point I may be writing this from my own iphone... what I am saying is think before you buy anything... take time to feeeeeeeeeeeeel why you need or desire to make a purchase and to evaluate what you currently have and what you really need vs. what is cleverly marketed or might be you trying to keep up with others.

Take your time before you spend money and in my experience you will have more money!

Terri Levine, PhD

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Chicken A' La King and Paul Simon

I was listening to an old Paul Simon song while eating my chicken a'la king and began thinking about how many wonderful memories songs and music bring to me. When I listen to an older song I typically recall where I was when I heard it, who I was with and what period of my life it was. In this case the song reminded me of my best friend in college, Debbie. We were in our dorm room laughing about the song and they asked people to call into the radio station with their version of the song and I did. Most of what I said was bleeped out! Anyway it was great fun and college antics, which was a wonderful time in my life.

My coaching clients also remind me of songs. The other day when I was coaching a wonderful and talented new client who wants to start his own business, he kept saying, "There's a chance...". He used these words over and over. About an hour after our session I found myself at the computer doing some work and singing, "There's a chance peace will come..."! Of course I then reflected on him and smiled and continued singing!

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hatshepsut Discovered?

One of the most prolific pharaohs of ancient Egypt, Queen Hatshepsut's tomb is said to have been discovered. Queen Hatshepsut was a queen who commissioning hundreds of construction projects throughout both Upper and Lower Egypt.

As I thought about her and her legacy I wondered what legacy I could leave. I am deeply concerned with having people of all ages, around the entire world learn coaching skills and I am on a mission to have that happen. I am expanding on that and wanting to be the leader in bringing coaching to those in greatest need.

Thanks Queen Hatshepsut for inspiring me further!

Terri Levine, PhD

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Chris and Nancy Benoit

I am not an avoid fan of of watching people wrestle and only have caught glimpses of the sport yet I had heard of the WWE superstar Chris Benoit. I was shocked to hear that Chris, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel are dead and their bodies were discovered in their new home in Atlanta.

I didn't hear the details of their deaths and was sad that another tragedy like this occurred. I wonder how many others occur that aren't in the press and publicized because the person or the family killed weren't wrestlers or celebrities?

I ask you are you committed to living in peace? I am. Can there be a way for people to live together without violence? Can't you agree enough is enough? Do you agree we have to find a way to end the violence? Does your stomach turn when you hear stories like this? Don't you agree that if people had life coaches they would have better ways to cope than to kill other people? Have you ever thought what it would be like if everyone on the planet had a coach to keep them in balance and to teach them ways to handle their violent streaks? Isn't this an interesting thought?

Should we find a way to get coaching to everyone to make a serious difference in the world? What if we could teach people how to deal with their anger and hate and shift those thoughts? Wouldn't you agree that 3 lives have been wasted here and who knows how many others were wasted today?

My big vision is to bring coaching to the masses and to create a better society with more peace, more joy and more ease. Let's get the violence to stop.

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Full Moon, Does It Cause Clarity

I am pondering whether the equinox, the full moon, the solstice has has led people to more clarity. I first found myself feeeeeeeeeeeling calmer and more at peace and then as I gazed at the full moon began to feeeeeeeeeeeeeel clearer in my thoughts.

I shared this with a friend who said he had similiar feeeeeeeeeeeelings. He had noticed the moon and was admiring it's beauty and he remembered the solstice and sat thinking about the moon and the new season and feeeeeeeeeeeling grateful for his time on the planet and felt clearer in his thoughts.

Then today a client I was meeting with asked me, "Don't you think a full moon causes clarity?"... I had never thought about that yet connected my feeeeeeeeeeeelings, my friend's feeeeeeeeeeeeelings and her feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and believe the equinox with it's beautiful full moon, when appreciated does cause clarity!

Take time to notice the moon and honor the solstice!

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

Friday, June 22, 2007

That Goddess Feeeeeeeeeeeling?

A few years ago while on vacation in Vegas, my girlfriend and I each picked up caps that said "Goddess". When we put them on with both said we felt special.

That day at the pool we lounged while our husbands brought us food and the waitress brought over drinks. We read, we laughed, we chatted and we felt great.

That night we decided to be silly and to wear our caps to dinner and while we played some slots. We both shared that we felt like we were a goddess and that we began to feeeeeeeeeel really great about ourselves and felt a lot of joy.

Ever since receiving my Goddess cap, it resides in my office where I see it all the time and it is the cap I wear most often, too. Just seeing and breathing in words can have us resonate more with those words and especially to those feeeeeeeeelings and we attract the things we feeeeeeeeeeel most about. So, I have shifted my energy to become more in alignment with thinking and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeling like a goodess and I attract more things back that continue to have me feeeeeeeeeeeel like a goddess!

What feeeeeeeeeeling would you like to attract?

How about putting that on your wall, or wearing that around?

Terri Levine, PhD

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Longest Day of the Year

Today is the longest day of 2007 and for me I will take advantage of each precious second the day that unfolds. I expect great things and will accept with flow each thing as it comes to me.

I will honor all people I meet and have patience and kindness for others and I will also accept myself fully and be loving to myself. I will take the time to be with friends and family and to care for my health and well-being.

Most of all I will appreciate my time on this planet and remember, during the longest day of the year, I have more time to appreciate the day!

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Living From Soul

Studies show that by age 7 we are already filled with should's and guilts and have begun to loose our true, free spirit - our unique soul. We fit into rules and hold beliefs based on parents and teachers and friends. We stop being who we are in our true core and begin to mold into someone who is un-true to their unique spirit.

Then we go through life never being completely fulfilled... feeeeeeeeeeeeeling like there is more, yet not knowing what is missing. We get into the cycle of work, come home, sleep, work, etc. and we don't fully connect with people or things. We aren't present to our lives and have given up our dreams and desires and go on feeeeeeeeeeling like something is missing from life.

What is missing is our selves. We yearn to be reconnected to that inner voice of who we are and we hear it calling to us. We long to be authentic to who we are and what we want. We want to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel free and happy and to love and be loved fully and enjoy each moment on this planet getting all the juice we can from our experiences.

Coaching allows adults to get back to their souls and to find their inner voices. It opens people up and frees them to find their inner spirit and to do what they love and love what they do. It is my honor to be a soul coach to so many EXTRAordinary people and to assist them to create the lives that are authentic to them.

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Coaching Myself Back to My Ideal Body

From my Achilles injury last September and being in bed or a wheelchair for about 4 months and not having full use of my leg until recently, I have gained weight. I am also on medication for the RSD that I have, which causes weight gain.

My doctor told me to give up trying to lose weight and to "accept this is how my body is due to injury". I thought about what he said and found it didn't resonate. I feeeeeeeeeeeel better with less weight and my body feeeeeeeeeels stronger when I am lighter.

So, I have been following the coaching principles from my book "Create Your Ideal Body" and am coaching myself to healthy weight loss without dieting, pills or lots of exercise (which I can't yet do anyway!). I know it will be more difficult to lose as I can't move about much yet and the medication slows my metabolism, yet I know coaching is the answer.

I am feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling better since making this decision and can't wait to see the Dr. in 4 weeks;)

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

Monday, June 18, 2007

Are You Willing To Have More Ease in Your Life?

Are you happy with your current life and how it flows? Can you use more ease and less effort? Can't you imagine waking up each day knowing things flowed as they should and being in perfect harmony?

Did you ever have such a harmonious day?

Do you agree that life is about enjoyment, fulfillment and happiness? Does your life currently have all the joy you desire?

Don't you want more happiness in your life?

Have you ever dreamed about having things you desired coming to you with ease?

Haven't you ever wondered why you are struggling so much and working so hard?

If you could learn to create your life in an easy, effortless and joyful way, is this something that you would like to hear more about?

Shouldn't you review the opportunities learning coaching skills brings to you?

Wouldn't it be worth it to learn these skills (even if you have no intention of coaching for a profession) if there was no risk?

If I would promise and gurantee to you create your life with more ease would there be value in it for you?

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Secrets of Coaching Revealed

I believe there are 3 secrets that great coaches have in common. I have studied coaching and coaches for almost 10 years now and have been with newbie coaches up to super experienced coaches and I have come to see that EXTRAordinary coaches share some common secrets.

Of course, I love to let them out so that everyone can have them!

First, they aren't afraid to be tough or edgy with clients... they make observations that are true for them and they don't hold back with those observations or fear the clients reaction.

Second, they don't get caught up in client stories and don't allow the client to go on and on and on. They focus the coaching session quickly and shift right to the essence of what it is the client needs.

Third, they make HUGE requests of the clients and have them take bigger actions than the client is typically willing to take. They get the client to take these actions by supporting them and giving them loving pushes. They are strong when they make these powerful requests.

I know that anyone can learn the skills of coaching and have been teaching them for years. It is the art of coaching that comes with practice and by being trained by a masterful coach.

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Coaching Lesson

Ok, here is what happened a few weeks ago that I have to get out of my system. I was in a store and the line was slow, the cashier was new and was making mistakes. I was waiting and during the wait was visioning my goals and focusing on feeeeeeeeeeling my joy, and bascially enjoying the down time to just be.

A woman in front of me started yelling at the cashier. Then a man behind her began cursing at the cashier. Within a few seconds the entire line (except for me a few other folks) were yelling and complaining and carrying on.

This, of course, didn't help the cashier do better at the job, but instead put more stress and pressure on the cashier who now was slower.

The coaching lesson?

Live in flow. Let the things that happen, happen. They are all part of the wave of life. Stop rushing. Stop making other people wrong and just be and be in flow.

Terri Levine, PhD, MCC

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Really Living in Flow

I have learned so many valuable lessons over the years and none as valuable as living in flow. I used to stress over things, worry about things and be concerned about "what if this or that happens". About 2 years ago I began shifting to a new attitude. This attitude is what I call flow.

Flow means that you ride the wave of life and don't push against the wave. Sometimes things work perfectly and you are on top of the wave feeeeeeeeeeeeeling great. Other times things happen and you feeeeeeeeeeeeel like the wave is taking you out to sea. Like on my recent vacation... luggage didn't make connecting flight... spent a day without suitcases... rental car had no air conditioning in the back (where I was sitting)... my RSD caused me a lot of pain and I couldn't walk far... flight home was 5 hours late and then luggage took about 45 minutes and finally, the shuttle to take us to our car didn't come for one hour... and so it is... flow...

I didn't get upset or keep bringing these things up in my mind and doing "what if" or "poor us" thinking... I simply went with what it was and lived with it, fully accepted it and did what I could do without pushing against any waves.

And I must say, my vacation was EXTRAordinary and perfect as it was...


Terri Levine, PhD, MCC