Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cleansing Follow Up

So today is day 16 of my 20 day cleanse. The mornings are kind of tough and I can't schedule clients too early or do radio interviews early. That is still my "flushing time".

Daytime is a breeze and I don't have hunger, I have tons of energy and really feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel great!

I am sleeping great (except for the bathroom visits starting in very early AM!).

I am really glad I decided to do this cleanse and I acknowledge my great friend and best massage therapist on the planet, Betsy, for sharing the cleanse with me.

I need to flush away a year of medication and I see it leaving my body each day.

Isn't it odd that I can discuss my bowel movements with folks... or maybe I should say, isn't it cool?

In any case, I know that I am doing what is supportive and what feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels good for my body.

Once I am done with cleanse and then 3 day program to get my body ready to accept food again, I will use my Create Your Ideal Body program to loose the rest of the weight I gained from the medication, lack of movement and my pity party!

Mentally I know I broke the cycle of the past year and am off to a fresh beginning.

It feeeeeeeeeeeeeeels great!

I am grateful for having loving friends and family who have embraced what I am doing for me and allowed me the freedom to do what is right for my body with no judgement and no right or wrongs about it.

A few asked me how much weight I lost... I simply chuckle at that... I didn't weigh myself before and won't after... they say you loose about a pound a day and my friends who have done this before me, each lost at least a pound a day... I am not interested in the number on the scale... don't get me wrong... YES, I need to loose the weight I gained and YES it would be great to loose it and to loose inches. I don't need a scale to tell me if my clothes fit better.

The number isn't important. I would like to fit back into all my beautiful clothes and when I have done that, then I'll know that the weight gain is gone.

So, no scale for me!

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