Friday, March 09, 2007

Loosing Weight Through Intuitive Eating

Do you have a poor body image? Are you afraid to look at yourself in the mirror? I know that if you are bothered by your weight it interferes in your personal happiness. The cycle of dieting, over-eating, dieting, is not healthy and creates more difficulty in loosing weight. Notice if you look at others and compare your body shape and weight to them regularly. Observe yourself and your feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and see if you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel down or depressed about your body weight. Ask yourself if you are getting the amount of movement each day that your physical body needs.

If the above resonates with you, you do not have a healthy understanding of food in your life. If you are sick and tired of being in this situation I invite you to join me in the program that I found that helps you develop new strategies for success in creating a healthy lifestyle and releasing you from being overweight.

In my book, Create Your Ideal Body I talk about creating a healthy relationship with food. The book focuses on helping you to become an intuitive eater and a person who moves their body. It uses self coaching techniques where you create new scripts and new programs in your mind and you fully release old stories, old triggers and old patterns. By following this program you improve your self-image and body image.

When I recently discovered a book on releasing fat I felt it blended well with the message of Create Your Ideal Body and added a component of having you naturally end cravings and desire for carbs. For me, after day 3 of reset I no longer craved carbs at all and I have been a carb addict for years! I completed reset and then went on the the transform program which again is very similiar to my book as it doesn't restrict your choices (except for a small list of foods) and those foods are only restricted for 28 days.

I have become a raving fan of this product.

My entire story appears here and I invite you to check it out:

Yours in Living an EXTRAordinary Life,
Terri Levine

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