Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What's missing?

I know that with me, by the end of January I have to remind myself what New Year's Resolutions I've made. It always seems that when we start the New Year we're all excited about our goals for the year. Then we get overwhelmed with other things and our gung ho attitude starts to fade. Face it; we all lead busy lives. But that shouldn't keep you from your goals for 2006.

So how can you go about fixing this problem? What's missing for you? What do you need to do for your business? What goals have you made for yourself? What's not working? The end of January is a good time to reassess your New Year's Resolutions.

What resolutions are working for you and what's not? Which ones are unrealistic? Set time frames for each resolution. Do you have new ideas that you can add? I suggest you give your resolutions a "make over". By the end of January you should have a pretty good idea of what changes need to be made. Don't let your New Year attitude fade!

Here's a tip for you: Are you looking back on your revenue from 2005 and trying to figure out what happened...what went wrong? Are you continually searching for ways to find out what's missing in your business but seem to come up empty handed? I have a product that might be of interest to you. It's called The Coaching Success Profit Generator - and this software program does just that; generates profit in easy steps. I highly recommend this to all coaches who are looking to improve their businesses in 2006. Perhaps this is just what is missing from your business? Read more about it here: http://www.terrilevine.com/software.htm or email me at terri@terrilevine.com

Check out some of my other business building products at: http://www.terrilevine.com/products.htm

What's missing in your business? In your life? What are YOU going to do about it?

Take action and get moving on "making over" your resolutions.

Terri Levine

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