If you're like most people, you probably toyed with the idea of some new year resolutions a week ago. Did you? I admire you if you had on your list things like: get healthy, quit smoking; work on work/life balance, etc. I'll admire you even more if you STICK to it and succeed!
Sometimes the reason we do NOT succeed, even with our most heartfelt desires, is because we are not physically or mentally "ready" and able to. We are tired, stressed, overwhelmed or plain burned out. Well, I'm not... don't know about you!
When people tell you to work on your stress levels they talk about work/life balance, taking extraordinary self-care, learning relaxation techniques and so on… however, a simple, cost-free method to help reduce your stress almost immediately is to simply SIMPLIFY your life.
Sounds easy, but it involves change - for some reason, any form of change just freaks some people out! You'd think you were asking them to sacrifice a limb! By simplify your life, I mean clear away the clutter. Get rid of that and you get rid of the "overwhelm".... and voila! One less thing for you to "stress" about!
So, where do you start? Start with a list. List those activities and "responsibilities" that really ARE necessary and unavoidable... like having to go to work every day, or feeding your children. On the other hand, having to do the breakfast dishes immediately before going to work is something that can go in the unnecessary column. Get the idea? Nobody is going to die, become ill or lose their job if your kitchen isn't spotless every morning after breakfast.
And remember, just because you've always done something or done it a certain way, doesn't mean you have to always do that something or do it that certain way! You ARE allowed to change! In fact, change is compulsory... your body changes every day whether you like it or not!
Remove any unnecessary activity that forces you to feel stressed about having to keep on top of it all. Even if you are not particularly overwhelmed with activity just now, but you are putting aside your own goals and dreams simply because there are not enough hours in your day as it is... Something has to go to make room for the new.
Think honestly about your priorities and start clearing your plate of all the non-essential clutter that has accumulated over the years. Is there an activity around the home or office that could be delegated so you have more time to do other things? Check every activity you are involved in every week - is it done out of habit or is its purpose still necessary? Can it be delegated or modified in some way, or perhaps totally scrapped?
Identify those areas in your life that are complex, time consuming, money consuming or maybe just emotionally or energetically draining in some way, then think of some ways in which you can simplify each of these complex areas PERMANENTLY.
When you simplify your life, you will feel better for it. You'll be refreshed and energized. Less stressed. More efficient. You can slow the pace down and stop and smell the roses! You will be more fun to be around. You will have more time to work on the things that really count, spending quality time on the activities and people that really count, and have time for yourself and your dreams and goals.
In short, you will have a life, not a "to-do" list!
Here's to a successful 2006!
Terri Levine
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