Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Meditation On Life Coaching

When I was growing up, development was easy. I went from crawling to standing to walking, with a few falls in between and some hurts I am certain. I simply kept trying. I ate what I was served although I often wanted something other than smelly fish and steak that was hard to chew and I developed my ablility to eat and swallow. I was growing bigger and going from baby clothes to toddler clothes to pre-teen clothes and teenage dress up clothes (finally) and it all simply happened. I didn't have to do anything, all was taken care of. Then I became an adult and I had to make choices. I had to decide when to walk, when to run and what to eat and drink. This stage of my development is tougher I have more choices. Actually it is beyond tougher it is at times very difficult. I hired a life coach ten years ago and know I will also have one to help me on this journey. I learned coaching skills to listen better, communicate better, love better, laugh more, know myself better, and balance my work and know my priorities. I know I am growing as a human being and evolving and having more joy and ease in my life because I have a life coach. Life coaching is my coaching manual for my life.

Terri Levine

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