Monday, October 30, 2006

Acknowledge Your Fears

I got a beautiful letter and photos from a woman who read my book Create Your Ideal Body 4 months ago. She shared that once she gave up dieting and worked with the book to uncover her fears, everything shifted. She began to really feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel what it would be like to have a body that was of the weight she wanted and each day began to resonate with those feeeeeeeeeeeeelings more and more. She followed the advice in the book and tossed out the diet books and articles and even her eating light cook books and just used her self-coaching skills to make conscious eating choices. She lost 20 pounds in 2 months and 37 pounds in 4 months.

She sent me before and after pictures and her story.

I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel so joyful that this book is impacting people around the world and I want for more people to learn that having the body they desire actually comes with ease.

I love receiving these stories and photos and know I am serving others through my work.

I am grateful the universe is allowing me to do this work.

Terri Levine

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