Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Manifesting What You Desire

If you are ready to manifest what you desire you need to understand that you give off energy all the time. If you resonate and give off energy of what you desire you will attract more of what you desire. This is fact - universal law.

So, why aren't you resonating with what you desire?

Your subconcsious is filled with old information... programs, stories, beliefs and lots of baggage you don't even know you are carrying around.

You haven't learned to focus on the energy and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings of what you want and you don't believe you really can have all you want.

So instead you manifest what you are an energy match to and often this is because you are thinking about how life is hard, how you don't deserve what you want, how you'll never get the right job, you'll never be financially secure or never attract your ideal mate or never build your dream business.

If you remember that what you think and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel about you'll be able to use your thought and energy power to manifest what you really, really want. That is exciting!

Quantum physics tells us that humans have about 5000 thoughts per day and those thoughts create your life experience. I say choose those thoughts wisely and consciously.

Most people are not conscious of their thoughts and simply let in thoughts that don't serve them or that hold them back. You probably aren't even aware of these thoughts.

You might be thinking about how hard it is to attract clients or to make money or to loose weight or to be in a great relationship. Your brain may be saying, "I won't be able to make my business work... I'll never be successful... I can't loose weight.... I can't keep my weight off...I don't look good..." etc.

Again, you may not be aware of these deep subconscious thoughts.

These thoughts and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings create energy and that energy attracts just what you have been thinking about even if you say, "but I don't want that!"

The good news?? You can begin to manifest what you really want starting right now!

Simply shift your thoughts and consciously over and over and over again feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel what you really want frequently and consistently!

That was your halloween magic gift from me... enjoy!

Terri Levine

Monday, October 30, 2006

Acknowledge Your Fears

I got a beautiful letter and photos from a woman who read my book Create Your Ideal Body 4 months ago. She shared that once she gave up dieting and worked with the book to uncover her fears, everything shifted. She began to really feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel what it would be like to have a body that was of the weight she wanted and each day began to resonate with those feeeeeeeeeeeeelings more and more. She followed the advice in the book and tossed out the diet books and articles and even her eating light cook books and just used her self-coaching skills to make conscious eating choices. She lost 20 pounds in 2 months and 37 pounds in 4 months.

She sent me before and after pictures and her story.

I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel so joyful that this book is impacting people around the world and I want for more people to learn that having the body they desire actually comes with ease.

I love receiving these stories and photos and know I am serving others through my work.

I am grateful the universe is allowing me to do this work.

Terri Levine

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Would You Like More Prosperity?

I hear so many people speak about how they want to achieve greater prosperity. I am often asked if there is a magic formula for this. I will say it isn't magical it is simply Universal Law.

Our minds create things and what we think about most and the frequencies we resonate at most is what we draw to us. So, begin by spending time every day as often as possible feeeeeeeeling and believing you already are prosperous. Hold in your mind the feeling of having prosperity.

The more you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it and believe it, the faster it will manifest.

This goes for anything you want.

Why don't must people use this simple formula? Because while they are saying they want prosperity they aren't resonating with it. They don't feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it, they don't believe it and they are subconscioulsy more focused on not having it and not believing they will have it.

Practice feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling the feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings you will have when you get what it is you want. The more you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings the more you will change your resonance and be able to have what you do want.

Terri Levine

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Change Is Magical

We live in a world filled with constant change yet we fight change and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel uncomfortable when there is change. Through coaching I share that change is magical, fun, easy, and can be welcome and embraced fully. Life is change and our world today is changing rapidly. Years ago we didn't have laptops, fax machines, Ipods, cell phones, and the world wasn't wireless.

Change brings some internal contrast or conflict. I shared on a call last night I was in a coffee shop and asked for a capuccino. Seemed simple. Then the clerk asked if I wanted skim milk, soy milk, whipped cream, mentioned 3 sizes, mentioned about 5 flavors and I had to laugh thinking that today even ordering a simple item is filled with choices.

As a coach one of my goals is to help my clients make permanent, positive, inspirational changes and then to empower them to own self-coaching skills to be their own internal coach when faced with change and decision making. Coaching tools and techniques provide an easy and effortless yet powerful way to get and keep your life on track.

Terri Levine

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Celebrate international Coaches Day

Celebrate International Coaches Day by entering your nomination for the International Coach of the Year for 2006. The winner will be determined by an independent, international panel of judges including world renowned authors and expert coaches, on November 1, 2006.
Anyone who you consider a coach is eligible. Nominate your coach, or anyone you know and admire for their coach-like qualities, by simply submitting the following application. All nominees will receive a certificate honoring them and a logo for their website.
The cutoff for submissions is October 27, 2006.

Applications can be found at: http://www.terrilevine.com/coty2006.html

Terri Levine

Monday, October 23, 2006

A Week for Healing

I took off of work for over a week to focus on healing my achilles. I spent time practicing walking with my cast and walker and exercising my legs. I watched DVDs and listened to CD's on healing. I read books and friends came over and decorated my cast with healing words and stickers. Special friends brought in lunch and visited with me in my bedroom. We listened to music and chatted and I felt more like my old self.

I go back to work tomorrow and know that my achilles is feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling better and I am looking foward to the cast coming off in November.

I notice things I always took for granted like being able to use a sink, walk stairs, get to the refrigerator, walk outside the step to my house and get in and out of a car.

Terri Levine

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Gen Y Revisited (if only for the entertainment value!)

As you know I have been a bit of a lady of leisure recently, being forced to lie or sit while my torn achilles heals. So I've been doing some reading and was amused to read how the Gen Y-ers still continue to baffle and confuse.

What is there to be baffled and confused about? How straight forward are these people? They want a LIFE...not a career! Is that so hard to understand? What is it with employers who cannot grasp this simple concept? (These are obviously businesses and corporations who have yet to experience coaching!)

But that's not what made me chuckle. I've been reading about the reactions of the parents of this Y generation to their children's new philosophy on work and life and it's hard for them, too. If you are the parent of a Gen Y "kid", you might get some comfort from this... or if not comfort exactly, a new way of looking at them...

You've probably grown up with the work ethic that has made you a slave to your job. You believe in long hours and company loyalty because that's how you were brought up and how it worked in "your" day. Some of you worked very hard and missed your children growing up… and they missed you. Some of you worked very hard for your financial rewards, giving up your life for your company, only to be unceremoniously "dumped" when the company no longer wanted or needed you. They just showed you the door and left you on the unemployment heap. Your kids saw the effect of that on you, too, as well as their family. You could have had years of memories of fun times, camping trips, tennis matches, parties, get-togethers, games with your kids... but you don't... and neither do your kids.

You fool yourself that you WERE there for your kids because who was it who rushed around after school taking them to their football training, their swimming classes, their dancing, their music, their...whatever it was they were into. You made sure your kids had what you didn't, right? Every opportunity. Every chance to try as many different things as possible. You thought this made you a great parent. Your kids had the chance to try and do and learn so many exciting and wonderful sports and hobbies that your generation could only dream of when you were growing up.

Well, sure your kids loved that and I take my hat off to parents who love their children so much that they want to do that for them. But you know what else you did? You stressed them. You put too much expectations on them and expected them to devour everything with gratitude. You expected them to find boundless energy and enthusiasm to go from one activity to another in the name of opportunity and a better upbringing than you may have had. You brought up a generation who feels they must always be doing something and have withdrawal symptoms if they have 30 minutes to themselves with nothing to do or no adrenalin rush to enjoy.

And that's not all you did. You showed them that working until you are kicked out on the heap or you drop dead or are too old to enjoy life is NOT how to experience living or a life. You taught them that all work and no play not only makes Jack a dull boy, it makes Jack a lonely, unhappy, easily sick, short-lived, grumpy, miserable, stressed boy who has no friends... who may well end up divorced and have no family either!

Now perhaps you still work hard and you come home and your 20-something, instead of working hard like you, is lazing around the sofa, complaining that his or her 2 or 3 day a week job is too much. Perhaps he has resigned because the stress of the part-time job he had was too much and try as he might, he can't find new work because there just aren't many part time jobs available that aren't stressful!

You grit your teeth because you work 5-7 days a week, long hours, and here is your lazy offspring complaining about working 3 hours a week. And after all you did for them and taught them! How could they have turned out this way? You look at them sitting there, some with their Uni degrees, others with other various qualifications you've paid for or they've worked for, and they are complaining about being "stressed" or tired out.

They begrudgingly pay you a meager amount of rent from what little money they do earn, but how, you wonder, can they be satisfied earning peanuts that just covers their mobile phone bills and helps maintain their social lives! Where is their ambition, you wonder.

Well, it's not all YOUR fault... and it's not all THEIR fault. It's the times we live in. Our kids are exhausted because they live their lives the way we brought them up - cramming in too much. It might not all be sport now, it's probably replaced with other activities - but it is still there - it's all they know - it's what we taught them. Trying to achieve all that in their life AND work a full time job IS very tiring! We taught them to cram it all in... their sport, their friendships, their dancing or yoga, their hobbies, going to the gym, travelling... not to mention the modern-age time consuming activities of downloading music onto their ipods, browsing the internet and watching 100 channels on cable TV - that is if they are not playing some computer game! We forgot to teach them how to cope with it, or to be selective, and that it is okay to not do it all... we wanted them to have it "all" in the first place, remember?

The truth is, Gen Y are not lazy or spoiled "job hoppers" or no hopers. They are the product of their times and their upbringing. They've watched their parents and they don't want to sacrifice their reason for being here just for a job. They want a life. They want the time to experience what they are here on the planet to experience - just as you brought them up to do!

And spare a thought for the Y Generation who do not have Uni degrees or trade qualifications. It is even harder for them in our times to find a job than it was when we were their age. So many jobs are replaced by modern technology. Companies are using less people, often to do more work! And many companies insist on taking young people in on a contract basis, or a traineeship scheme, or some other scheme that means their position is not permanent or secure. Is it any wonder they leave or keep looking for a job that is secure and will allow them time to have a life as well.

I think the time has come for companies and parents to stop complaining about the Y Generation and maybe have a good long look in the mirror for their answers… and maybe it wouldn't harm them to take a leaf out of the Gen Y's book... when was the last time you sat and did nothing much or did anything just for the sheer joy and frivolity of it? When was the last time you "wasted" some time?

I'm forced to do it now, and you know, it's taken a while, but I can appreciate this... it's not so bad...sometimes it is quite nice. You try it. Go on... I dare you!

Terri Levine

Friday, October 13, 2006

Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeling Even More

I noticed today how much I think rather than feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel. My mind goes into the analytical mode and problem solving and telling a story mode. I am practicing asking myself every few minutes what am I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling and then making sure my answer isn't a story but is truly a feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling. I thought I was a very feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling person and now I see how much I think.

I am on a mission for the next 3-6 months to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel more and think less.

Terri Levine

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Next Three Minutes Could Save Your Life

Your Last Three Minutes...

You've just had a massive heart attack...
These are your last three minutes to live - all the time you have left before your brain stops functioning.

What will you do with your last three minutes?

Will you call 911? Will you think about your spouse, children or grandchildren? Will you think about all the things you've done or all the things you'd hoped to do?

Will you wonder if there was anything you culd have done to avoid having a heart attack?

Time Remaining: 2:45

Could All This Have Been Prevented?

Sadly, an American dies every 30 seconds from cardiovascular disease - often in the form of a heart attack. That's 3,500 people every day who experience their last three minutes.

In fact, chances are good that if you have two best friends, one of the three of you will die from cardiovascular disease.

What's more distressing - almost all heart attacks are preventable!

Time Remaining: 2:30

You May Not Know Your Risk Until It's Too Late

Heart attacks are caused by a build-up of plaque in your arteries. When plaque ruptures, blood clots are formed that lead to heart attack, stroke and perhaps your last three minutes.

The culprit? Plaque in your arteries is caused by too much bad cholesterol in the blood. In fact, the higher the level of bad cholesterol in your blood, the higher your risk of heart disease.

Health officials estimate that more than 50 percent of all adults have unhealthy levels of cholesterol and 42 million adults have dangerously high levels- you could be one of them without even knowing.

In many cases the first indication that there's a problem with your cholesterol level is a heart attack and death. Lower your cholesterol level and you'll lower your risk of heart attack.

Time Remaining: 2:00

Bios Life- A Revolutionary Breakthrough

Fortunately, the build-up of cholesterol can be slowed, stopped, and even reversed- thanks to the revolutionary innovation of Bios-Life.

Bios Life is a whole new dimension of maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of heart disease. In fact, in clinical study after clinical study, researchers have proven the benefits of Bios Life.

Time Remaining: 1:45

A Safe, More Effective, Complete Solution

Over the past 10 years major companies have introduced prescription drugs to fight high cholesterol. These drugs are called "statins." Although statin drugs are effective for many people, they do have limitations and weaknesses. These weaknesses include only lowering cholesterol one way - slowing cholesterol production in the liver - and the well-documented potential of dangerous side-effects.

There are actually more ways to improve cholesterol levels in your body. Yet combining four ways to help you avoid the risk of cardiovascular disease has not been achieved - until now.

In a powerful fusion of science and nature, Bios Life is the only solution available that combines all four of these approaches to dramatically improve the cholesterol levels in your body - which is why Bios Life is recommended by more physicians than any other natural product.

Time Remaining: 1:15

Clinical Results: Only Bios Life Offers Complete Cholesterol Care

Extensive clinical testing has proven beyond all expectations that Bios Life is a major breakthrough. These studies show that Bios Life lowers LDL or "bad" cholesterol for participants with high LDL levels by an astounding 31%. Some participants reported decreases of up to 50%.

What is equally amazing is that the average increase of HDL or "good" cholesterol in those participants with low HDL levels was 29%, with some achieving increases of up to 85%!

Now for a surprise: If you're already treating your cholesterol levels with prescription statins, Bios Life will help you reduce your LDL cholesterol even futher.

The truth is, in addition to improving LDL and HDL levels, Bios Life lowers triglycerides- the form in which most fast exists in food as well as in your body and blood. Bios Life has also proven to stabilize blood sugar levels. No other supplement is more comprehensive for treating your entire lipid profile than Bios Life.

One more thing, Bios Life's only side effect is weight loss.

Time Remaining: 0:45

Don't Let Time Run Out On You

With Bios Life, the build-up of cholesterol in your body can be slowed, stopped and even reversed. It's a fact: improve the leveles of cholesterol in your body and you'll lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

A majority of heart attacks are preventable. Yet despite all the advances in modern medicine, your fate is in your hands. Your choice today to start taking Bios Life may be the biggest factor in determining the quality and length of your life.

Time Remaining...your choice.


go to http://www.cholesterolslasher.com right now

Terri Levine

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

You Could Be A Coach If...

Ever find yourself overcome with a mysterious urge to pick people up, dust them off, and set them off on the yellow brick road to success… even if you’ve never met them? Ever had to bite your tongue because some part of you desperately wanted to help someone, but decorum and a sense of “what will this perfect stranger think of me if I said that!?” holds you back? Ever fight this same, powerful urge when you come across somebody who is dithering, because he doesn’t really know what he wants to do, and if he does, he’s not doing anything about it?

Ever wonder why your view of the world is colored by a warm and cheerful, rosy hue, yet people around you are describing a dull, gray color? A Pollyanna you may not be, and you don’t have to see the world through rose-colored glasses, but if you see the world as a place of opportunity, a positive place, and you notice what is good and right – you are different to people who see shadows where you see cloud shapes, or if they do see cloud shapes, they’re looking at something like the grim reaper, and you’re seeing butterflies. Yes, some of us do believe life can be easy, uncomplicated and fun. We believe it, because we live it! If you live it too, or want to live it and want others to live it, there could be more at play here than just your good nature!

Do you really enjoy the company of people? Do you see them as unique individuals, yet part of a connected whole? Do you accept them without judgment? When everyone else talks about how rude and lazy Joe Bloggs is, do you see the wonderful potential he has and talk about how clever he is at making the most of his relaxation moments while the rest of the world grows stress ulcers? Wow! Have you got the symptoms!

What about how other people see you? Do you ever ask yourself, “What am I? Some kind of Dear Abby?” Do people, be they friends, family, or co-workers, come to you with their stories and ask for your advice, or just to cry on your shoulder and hope for your words of wisdom? Are you the keeper of their deep, dark secrets? Do people naturally confide in you? Do you enjoy that? Yes, maybe you do have a trusting face… but perhaps, it’s something more… Do you enjoy chatting with people about their problems? Of course, maybe you are just nosy, but let’s not discount the very real possibility that you are sincerely interested in other people and they sense that.

Perhaps you find talking to strangers an easy and fun thing to do. Maybe you have that golden knack of making people feel at ease – a pre-requisite for spilling the beans to you in the first place, wouldn’t you say? And if showing care and consideration to somebody who is upset is second nature to you, of course, this might be the “nursing instinct” in you that never had the chance to bloom because your education veered off in the other direction, and again, it might not.

Perhaps you have a background in teaching or training? Perhaps you admire public speakers who motivate others to greatness! It certainly fits into the jigsaw puzzle, doesn’t it? Speaking of puzzles… maybe you are one of those who can read between the lines of what is being said to you… you can really listen and hear more than just words. Yes, sounds like you have a great set of ears, but then again, great ears aren’t everything – although they do look terrific with great earrings - but you are using more than ears to listen to these people.

Are you innovative and entrepreneurial, and do you enjoy sharing your knowledge with others and helping them? Do you enjoy finding new ways of doing things? Are you creative? Perhaps you are interested in doing something that will benefit society… these are all “signs”, you know! There is a name for all these feelings… there is an answer why you may often feel
frustrated because you can’t express the real you!

If most of these things remind you of yourself, I’m surprised you aren’t a Coach already! What good is all your great advice, expert knowledge and know-how if you can’t apply it to yourself? If your advice is good enough for other people, why don’t you take it? You want to help people, you enjoy helping people… I bet you’d love to be paid for it… so what’s stopping you?

If you are a great people person, who gets along well with all types of people from all walks of life, then you have a great gift, and those with such gifts who are benefiting individuals and businesses worldwide are known as personal and business coaches. Don’t you feel better now, knowing that there is a word for your condition?

If you are interested to work on your own personal development, willing to walk your talk and be an exceptional role model to others, you have what it takes to be an exceptional Coach.

Add to these talents a desire to be your own Boss, work your own hours, choose your own clients, your own niche, etc., and what we have here is a professional Coach.

So, now you know what your condition is, perhaps you are wondering how to deal with it, or even when to deal with it! Or maybe you’ve just been laid off work, or maybe you are ready for a change of career. Maybe you just want to work from home for personal reasons. Or it could be that the idea of helping people the way you have been, from the comfort of your own home, being your own boss, AND getting paid for it is just incredibly attractive! (It is possible to help people who don’t find that attractive – these are the same people who can’t see your butterflies… of course, they’d have to hire a coach first!)

Well, why not consider becoming a certified Coach? It's a way of being that allows you to work your own hours, while you help people attain their goals. It's challenging, fun, profitable, and rewarding. And best of all it removes that empty feeling you sometimes feel because you have these incredible gifts and the strong desire to use them to help the world and you just don’t know how!

If you’d like more information on how to treat your ‘condition’, feel free to contact me at terri@coachinginstruction.com, or visit me at my website: http://www.coachinstitute.com

Terri Levine

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Learning Spa Event

The Learning Spa event happened last week and if you weren't there you missed the event of the year - no kidding! We had amazing speakers, top authors, consultants, trainers, coaches and the best of the best information to move anyone's business or job into super success! The feedback is pouring in.

I was glad to be able to attend. It was my first day out in 30 days, since I ruptured my achilles. Great to see people and be with people and be dressed and out!

When the CDs/DVD's are available, I'll let you know.

Terri Levine

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Joy of Serving

There are so many things I love about being a coach... the clients, the results, the lifestyle and freedom I have... and mostly serving others. By serving others I serve myself. What do I mean? I mean I coach because it feeeeeeeeeeeeeeels so good and I want to do it... so I am serving myself by doing something that I want to do and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeels good to me.

If you don't get this in your current work, you are missing out.

Serving is one of the experiences we are meant to have as human beings on this planet.

Terri Levine