Thursday, July 13, 2006

How I Manifest

Coaching a client today she remarked that she was amazed at how quickly I manifested things I wrote or talked about. She asked me to share my personal process. I thought others might enjoy this, too, so here you go. You can personalize it and make it yours!

1. I have a vision map that I keep on my wall and look at and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel daily!
2. I think and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel my ONE focused vision all day long.
3. I EXPECT to have my vision come to me but don't exactly know how and don't need to know how.
4. I meditate for about 15 minutes a day on my one vision.
5. I stop myself whenever I am thinking I can't have my vision and spend time and energy feeeeeeeeeeeeeling my vision.
6. I live and think as if I have my vision already.
7. I take one action every day towards my vision.

Having this ONE focus is magical for me!

I will give you an example of something I manifested:)

When planning our vacation to Aruba I wanted to manifest an experience of feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling deeply connected to nature, my soul, my husband and the human race. I focused on this desire for about 30 days prior to the trip and the 4th day of the trip, it came... I won't share the details, but I hope you can see them on my face and in my energy here:

Terri Levine


  1. Wow, Terri. What a great photo of you and your husband! Your complete peace and sheer joy and love come through.

    It really is amazing that I can feel your connectedness through the two-dimensional photograph. The photo itself seems to have life.

    Thank you for sharing the photo and for sharing your process for manifesting everything you desire.

    I only need to do the same thing, and voila! The world is my oyster.

    Thank you.

  2. I am so glad you stopped by and commented! I am glad you can feeeeeeeeeeeel the ease and peace and happiness, too!

    And, YES, the world IS your oyster, so what actions can YOU take to manifest what YOU desire;)

  3. If that isn't a powerful question, I don't know what is!

    Thank you, Terri.

    The first action is that I am printing out this photo of you and your husband today and putting it on the dream-and-intentions board I am creating of everything I want to have and everything I want to be.

  4. Tshombe,

    I love the action you connected with and also know what you see and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel and hold as your focused desire, you WILL manifest!
