Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Stop Wasting YOUR Money!

Ok, I have something that really bugs me to get out so buckle up! I hear so many people complaining about lack of money and then see them wasting their money at Starbucks. A daily

cup of coffee and scones adds up like this:
if you are age 25 and put out $4.13 for your coffee each morning instead of putting that money into an index fund until retirement, you are loosing a nest eff of nearly $2 million dollars (based on a 3 percent annual cost of inflation and 12% market returns)

Seriously, can't you get a coffee pot and take 5 min to brew a cup? Mine has an automatic function and brews before I get up and is all ready to go when I am. Or instant coffee. Or, if for some odd reason you have to spend your money to buy coffee, go to the gas station or 7-11 or WaWa (here by me), which sells a cup of coffee for minimal cost.

Stop buying in to media hype that Starbucks plants to tell you and sell you that their coffee is "better". Come on! Be smart.

Think about 2 million dollars before you gulp another cup!

Terri Levine

1 comment:

  1. You are right, there are lots of things that we waste money on. But the worst thing is we often buy these useless things on credit cards. And then it turns out that we buy nothing useful and necessary but we get into deep debts due to all this senseless spending. And what to do then?
