Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Time Of Joy

Wow, is this an exciting time, as is each day I am alive on the planet! I have my new book coming out with Joe Vitale and Larina Kase and am completing my next book; I have my podcast The Sounds of Coaching about to be launched; my niece is getting married in a few weeks; my husband and I have planned some great vacations and alone time; my health is great; all my business projects are fun and effortless; The Learning Spa is rocking; my Dream Racer's are soaring; my clients are a joy; my coach training students are awesome; my husband is the best; I received my PhD in May; my friends are so loving and generous... yes, I can go on and on.

Even on a day when things are not quite right yet, I am always grateful to be on this planet and living life.

Thank YOU for creating me and this Joyful Universe!

Terri Levine

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Achieving EXTRAordinary Business Results

Achieving extraordinary business results in today's lightening fast world requires some radical shifts in thinking and acting. Business is more than the bottom line and a balance sheet. People make business happen. To achieve extraordinary business results, cultivate deep and agile relationships with your colleagues, clients, customers, suppliers and competitors.

Create lifelong clients. First impressions are the most critical. Often when people call a business they leave with a lasting impression that is not too stellar. Speak with a warm heart and try not to sound rushed or that the call coming in was an interruption. Smile as you speak on the phone. The smile can be heard and will also keep the person answering the phone more upbeat and positive. Always state your name and then follow with the question, "How can I help you.” Use the caller’s name several times during the conversation. Give the caller your full attention - no paperwork, no computer, no filing --- nothing else but your full attention will do. Be sure to read back and repeat any important information including phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. Always say thank you for calling before you hang up. Make the first impression one that is profitable and meaningful ... create lifelong clients from the beginning.

Always check your bags at the curb. Ditch the beliefs standing in your way. Nothing kills an extraordinary business result quicker than a misplaced belief or a hidden agenda. Be open to thinking in new ways and you'll discover new possibilities. You will become lighter, move faster, be more spontaneous and cover more ground with less effort.

Surrender the outcome. Being focused on the outcome limits your perspective, hinders your ability to seize opportunities along the way, and makes you less willing to take risks. It's like running a race with blinders on. Many people tell me they view me as a risk taker. I guess I do often take risks. I see huge personal benefits in doing so. By taking risks, I constantly expand my mind and see new possibilities. I gain more knowledge of myself and I gain courage and self-confidence. Set aside your expectations and fears. When you do, the possibilities will increase. Focus on making each day extraordinary.

Answers seldom come to us when we frantically search for them. There is simply no room for them. Our minds, spirits, and bodies are consumed with the search, the pressure to discover, the desire to achieve and the fear of the consequences if we fail. To find our answers, we must create space. Waste some time every day. Be playful. Allow yourself to laugh. Your perspective will dramatically expand. Create space in your life to invest in yourself and in others. I have spent many years reading and attending seminars on “success” and have come away with what works for my own life, and what works in helping my clients live a balanced life or a life filled with success. I have seen a few common denominators. These are things that I have incorporated into my day-to-day activities and assist my clients in learning to do the same. They are basic and simple and help us recognize what is most important in our lives. What are the areas that make-up my idea of "success"? They start with my relationship with my spouse. This is most important to me. Second, is my relationship with my friends and co-workers. My career contribution is next on my list as this is something I enjoy and have passion about. Success for me continues by having time for recreation and some form of spiritual practice. I also add learning and finance to the things that are important in my life. And my final components for success are contributions to community, nutrition, and exercise. These are my life success components. Each day I plan to spend time and focus on the areas that are important to me.

Achieving extraordinary results doesn't have to be a struggle. To reach for effortless and extraordinary results get your heart, head and soul in sync. Create a place of integrity, momentum, harmony and no regrets. Heart + Head + Soul = WOW!

Don't be afraid to look under the bed. We've all got a place where we seldom think to look for solutions. There may be treasure in the junk and monsters aren't so bad when you look them in the eye. Be aware. Sometimes the smallest things offer the most valuable solutions.

Use your accelerator to slow down. Ease up on the accelerator to slow down. You don't have to stomp the brake. The smoothest stops are gradual and gentle. And your car will last longer and use less gas. Anticipate and plan.

Make it bigger than you and it will pull you and everyone else along. Realize it's not about your success or failure.

Don't forget to signal before you turn. If you want people to follow your lead, don't make them guess where you're headed. Avoid a lot of crashes, fender benders and missed turns by telling folks which direction you are going before you take off.

Wear comfortable shoes. Be yourself. You'll get more done, have more fun and build more powerful relationships.

Find the "extra" in the ordinary. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you. Don't become so blinded by shiny new gizmos that you can't see the obvious.

Terri Levine

Friday, May 26, 2006

Achieving Balance in Life and Work

A balanced life is not about better time management. Time management techniques are only tools to enhance a balanced life. A truly balanced life is actually a state of mind. The keys to achieving a balanced life are awareness, truth and action.

First Five Steps to Balancing Your Life

1. Identify the imbalances in your life.
Ask yourself these two questions:

Ø What 5 things mean the most to me in my life?
Ø What 5 things consume most of my time?

Compare your two lists. If your life is balanced, the lists will match. If the lists don’t match, ask yourself:

Ø What can I START doing or STOP doing that will align these two lists?
Ø Take action.

2. Take extremely good care of yourself. No matter how badly you want to give to others – your family, your job, your community – if your cup is empty you won’t have anything to give. Keep your cup full by taking extremely good care of yourself.

Ø Schedule time to do things you ENJOY. Make it simple and easy. Take a walk. Read a book. Go to the gym.
Ø Discover hidden opportunities to replenish yourself. Listen to your favorite music while driving home.
Ø CAUTION: Beware of SHOULDS creeping in! If you think you SHOULD go to the gym, re-evaluate.

3. Eliminate Tolerations and Incompletions. Tolerations are what you put up with at work and at home. Incompletions are unfinished business or relationships that ended without closure. Tolerations and incompletions steal your energy. Recapture that energy by eliminating tolerations and incompletions.

Ø Make a list of 10 things that you are putting up with at work and at home. Start eliminating the tolerations one by one.
Ø Take the Clean Sweep Assessment Tool to determine how much energy you are losing to incompletions. Take action. Add 10 points to your Clean Sweep score in 30 days.
Ø Set boundaries. Boundaries are the imaginary lines we draw around ourselves to protect our souls, hearts and minds from the behaviors of others that we find unacceptable. For most of us, it is not acceptable for someone to hit us. Drawing the line against physical violence represents a boundary. Strong personal boundaries create the space you need to grow and to be happy.

Ø Apply this principle to all aspects of your life. Rather than doing something because you think you “Should” do it, draw a boundary and politely say “No”.
Ø Pick 3 tolerations from your list and establish a boundary for each one.

5. Kick the Adrenaline Lifestyle. Do you find yourself constantly rushing from one thing to another? Do you overpromise then rush to get it done at the last minute? Do you drive faster than the speed limit and tailgate? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are living the Adrenaline Lifestyle. STOP.

Ø Take the Adrenaline Addict Self-Test.
Ø Identify one Adrenaline Trigger to eliminate from your life.
Ø Take action.

O.K. I’ve got the First Five Steps. What’s Next?

In today’s lightning-fast world, being comfortable standing on your own two feet is just the starting point. If you want to excel professionally and personally, you need quick reflexes, grace, agility and resiliency.

You need Extraordinary Balance.

Achieve Extraordinary Balance. Call Compehensive Coaching U.

Think, run, dance and leap with confidence.
Dare to live an effortless life.

Comprehensive Coaching U.
Radical Shifts to Achieve
Extraordinary Balance in Life and Work.

Terri Levine

Thursday, May 25, 2006

What Impression Do You Give?

Often we say things to customers, thinking little of how they must be interpreting it. Sometimes our more sensitive customers can take what we say the wrong way and take offence. It can be something as simple as, "I'll try". This sounds like it is something you automatically say to everyone - what reason does anybody have to believe you? Perhaps you'll forget as soon as you hang up the phone?

Instead of saying, "I'll try", reassure your customers by telling them exactly what you intend to do for them and what they may expect from that. If there are likely to be problems, be honest upfront and tell them, and also tell them what options exist for such an event.

Here's another one: "I'm so sorry, but I've been busy..." Too busy for this customer? We know that's not what you meant, but to the person on the receiving end of this excuse, that's exactly what it sounds like. Simply apologize for any delays, and tell the customer when they may expect 'action'.

Another annoyance is when you answer their question with another question. It can also appear defensive. Sometimes you have to ask questions in order to have the means to answer their question, but think first how you ask. For example, don't just blurt out, "When did you ring us?" Try, "Can you remember what day you rang us... this will help me track down the...".

When you want to get going, don't just say something like "Will there be anything else?" It sounds like you're impatient to get away from them. Whatever expression you use before parting, make sure it isn't this one. Rephrase it to sound like you are going to make a start on their order. Try something like, "If I've got everything now, I'll get started right now on ..."

Remember, what you "say" and what is "heard" by your customer are sometimes two entirely different things. Think about your expressions... do they need a change?

Terri Levine

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Women Creating Success Their Way

Men in our society view themselves as successful when they hold a high position, get a great paycheck and have material possessions they can show off. The single woman has different aspirations.

Whether never married or married and divorced we find these women happy without a man and spending time doing what they want and what fills up their life purpose, which is often not about a man or children at all.

In fact, in our society if a career is important to a woman she typically will not be married. This is the case for example at Glaxo Smith Kline, where more than half the women in senior management positions are single. It's the same situation at major companies like Unilever, Novartis, PICIC and Shell. And these figures do not include divorcees, just women who were never married.

What does this mean? It means in our society to hold a powerful leadership role a woman who holds a demanding career doesn’t also juggle a family and husband. It appears this is a choice that a woman makes.

Women are seeking to contribute to society through their work and feel to be successful in a corporate position they need to focus on late hours, stress, and being one of the “boys”.
In 2003, Fortune magazine ran a feature story called 'Power: Do women really want it?' Time Magazine also had a story that year called “The case for staying at home: why more young moms are opting out of the rat race.” What showed up clearly in these articles is that if/when these women decided to be married or to have children they didn’t get the feeling of self-worth from their jobs any longer. Instead, they got this need satisfied by being at home. Additional articles appeared in the New York Times, Business Week, Fortune, Newsweek and Fast Company saying that women chose to leave top leadership positions when they decide to marry and have children.

There seems to be a trade off that women feel about holding a job they consider important and valuable and being married and raising a family. I propose a solution so that women can feel successful whether married or single. Living the life you want doesn’t need to depend on your marital status or job title. Work is an extension of who you are and you can be happy with a man, with a baby or just with yourself. They key, in my experience is for women to find a career that brings them great joy and passion and that is part of their life purpose. If they want to have a family or get married, that career should allow them to do that and not drain their hours and energy.

Many women are becoming Life and Business Coaches using their natural skills and talents as well as work experience. These women work from home or at a client’s site and get paid between $100-$500 per hour. They get to do the work they love, using their natural talents and improving the lives of others, while making great money. This means they can work fewer hours, balance what is important to them, like relationships, health, fitness, wellness, community, spirituality, hobbies, etc

If you think you might make a good coach, take the free assessment and find out:

Terri Levine

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ebay Is a Best Buy!!

As a book junkie ... I just can't learn enough, read enough and get enough info... I have found Ebay to be a great source of savings for books. Yesterday I ordered 10 hard cover books on everything from self-help to spiritual growth to leadership to make-up tricks. Each book was either brand new or like new and the maximum cost was $3.15 a book! I usually go for the auctions vs. the buy it now books and a I also shop at

As an author these sites hurt me. My own books which I authored I see listed there for little money and when people sell them, I make nothing:(. As a consumer I do love saving money.

In any event, I can't wait for my new books to arrive.

As a speed reader, I average anywhere from 5-8 books read a week and wish I had time for more. I am an endless learner and can't believe how much information we have in this world and love spending time opening and expanding my mind.

Terri Levine

Monday, May 22, 2006

Song Lyrics You Don't Know!

Just came back from a meeting and as I was driving I had the windows down and pulled along side a man singing in his car. He was singing a song I love and I do know the lyrics for and was singing words that were so off, I was laughing. He was having such a great time singing his version of the song lyrics and clearly enjoying the music and for sure this is what it is all about!

What a hoot hearing him sing and then thinking about the songs I sing aloud and probably think I also know the words to!

I must check out fast before I do summer singing from my convertible and have people entertained with my words!

Terri Levine

Friday, May 19, 2006

Prom Dresses and Moms

While getting my hair done today, I realized quickly it is prom time! I was suddenly surrounded by beautiful young girls and their moms showing off pictures of prom dresses and talking about which hair style would look best with their prom dress. Everything I heard was about prom hairstyles and prom dresses.

I finally had to spin my chair around to see some of the pictures of the prom dresses and to find out what was the latest in prom hairstyles. Wow, things have changed!

Dresses are super sexy and hairstyles are all up-dos with some strands of hair laying softly on their faces.

I was happy for the girls and saw how much their moms were enjoying this special time, too.

I then felt a longing for my own mom, who passed away 10 years ago yesterday. I am feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling such gratitude to have had a mom who loved me, supported me and was also a dear friend.

I hope all prom goers appreciate those in their lives and this wonderful time in their lives.

Terri Levine

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I was writing a chapter for one of my upcoming books this morning and thinking about how many words are now accepted as part of our every day language. For example, "google". I hear people talking about google so much and no one, no matter their age seems to not know what google is. When something becomes entrenched in our society we naturally add it to our vocabulary.

Think of it: Internet, Fax, Ipod, MTV, Google - unheard of a few short years ago and now everyday words in our society.

I am curious what word will be next... want to take a guess?

Terri Levine

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Employees Can Enjoy Work and Companies Can Be More Profitable

There are five important things you must know to make your employees happy and productive so they can help your business thrive and prosper. To set this up you have to first understand that today's worker is actively disengaged. They also call out sick more. One million workers call in sick every day in America. In addition, two months of the average worker's year is wasted. Job stress is up 70% and stress related disease has skyrocketed. Studies show that if you give worker's a voice they will be more productive and loyal. This can make your company wealthier. It has been shown that proper employee motivation works and coaching increases company profits by 40% and increases employee retention 20%.

The leading edge companies train 90% of their employees yearly with an outside firm. 85% of your company success depends on your people skills. A conservative estimate of the monetary payoff from coaching, according to Fortune Magazine, is that managers describe an average rate of more than $100,000 or about six times what coaching cost their company.

What is happening in the workplace? I already said worker's are disengaged, now add to that the fact employees are less loyal and more mobile. Workplace violence continues to soar as well. Change iniatives have been shown to waste money with only 30% of them producing a bottom line result, according to the Harvard Business School. Workers feel work isn't fun and that they are aren't treated with respect and compassion on the job.

Here are the five costly mistakes companies make when trying to improve the situation above by hiring a training company:
1. Hiring a training company to give a seminar.seminars aren't the answerparticipants forget 80% of what they learn in 72 hours
2. Hiring a training company that doesn't include corporate and organizational coaching as part of the package. Coaching gets results. According to Fortune Magazine, recipents value their coaching at 6 times the cost. 77% report improved working relationships with their direct reports, 71% with their supervisors and 63% with their peers. There is also a noted increase in job satisfaction, up 61%, and organizational commitment improves 44%.
3. Hiring a training company whose trainers are not properly trained or certified. Effective training requires intense knowlege of organizational development, coaching, training and consulting. Lack of this can increase employee disengagement.
4. Hiring a company that doesn't provide a year or more of follow-on coaching. Training without coaching doesn't stick. You won't get outcomes or ROI. Training without coaching results in 20-25% increase in productivity. Training WITH coaching gives an 80% increase in productivity!5. Hiring a training company without a track record.

Would you hire a CEO without a solid track record??

What to Look for In A Training Company:
1. Certified, experienced coaches/trainers
2. Certified Coaches
3. A proven track record/lots of experience

The productivity and profitability of your company can be greatly impacted by your choice of a training company. Training combined with coaching can increase employee productivity by over 80%. Training and coaching together, can result in over 50% higher net sales per employee, and 40% higher gross profit per employee. Not all training companies are the same. An uncertified, inexperienced training company can cost you employee productivity, employee profitability and take money away from your business and YOU!

If you want to know if your employee morale can be improved, you can get a complimentary Employee Morale assessment at no charge by emailing or calling toll free in the US: 877-401-6165.

Terri Levine

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Indy 500

When I was a young child I remember being glued to the TV when the Indy 500 came on. No one in the household held an interest, but I was attracted to the roar and the speed of those cars. Years later when I married and we moved to Illinois, we began to go to the Indy 500 and since then I have gone to races all over the US and also become a racer and have my SCAA racing licensing and love to run Formula Dodge cars!

This weekend we were in Indianopolis on biz and this is the month for the Indy 500 so we planned to stay the weekend and see the qualificiations. From the time we landed till the time we left 3 plus days later, it rained, so the track was a wash out. In any event, I toured the Indy museum again, visited some wonderful friends, and walked the track (on the inside!). Just being there got me amped up.

My Dream Racer Team starts tomorrow and they better be ready for me now! I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the need for speed!

Terri Levine

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Letting In Change

I was thinking about how to describe life coaching to those who have not yet heard of it and the word "change" kept popping into my head. Life coaching is about embracing and welcoming and inviting in change. Our world is filled with conflict and contrast and we need to make constant decisions. There is a world of choices out there. Most people don't like change and have fears associated with change. They are afraid to fail, so they don't try new things.

I believe life coaching is what we do to assist others to make the lasting, postive changes they deeply desire as we help them tap into their real goals. By life coaching we help people achieve their goals by teaching them very specific techniques which empower them to make inspirational changes in their lives and work.

Yes, that feels like it exactly!

Terri Levine

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Moving The Body

In my book and program "Create Your Ideal Body", I share that by moving your body more each day (not killing yourself at gym), you can get in shape, stay in shape and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel great! Yesterday, for example, I did my walk in the AM. During my lunch break I biked for about 15 minutes to energize and then before dinner (while it was in the oven) I did some walking on the treadmill while listening to music.

I feeeeeeeeeeeeel energized and fantastic and this has allowed me to remain at my own personal ideal weight (other than when I got on thyroid medication which messed up my weight for 2 months!).

So, enjoy the weather, your pet, your family and just take a walk! In - JOY!

Terri Levine

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Meditation To Slow Your World Down

Everywhere I go people are running, rushing, pushing, driving fast and not focusing on the present moment. They talk about the future and they focus on what is to come, rather than live in what is their now. Let's face it, tomorrow is uncertain.

I believe that what shifted for me years ago in being able to stay present and focused, was to meditate when I walked. By meditating while moving I got in touch with my energy and could feel and connect in with my body and also allow the outside world to be less important. I feel more connected with the universe and myself just from this daily practice.

I am not doing anything during my walks other than focusing all my attention on me... my breathing, my stride, my feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, my presence... my joy... my peace... my clarity... my thoughts... during my walks, nothing matters in the universe but me.

I believe this single daily action can reduce daily tensions and stress and open you up to connection. Move your body and you will find your world will slow down.

Terri Levine

Monday, May 08, 2006

Weekend Joys

We had a simple, quiet and fun weekend. I got home Friday PM and we had a dinner planned with some associates, so off we went. Great food and chat. Then I had time to unpack, do a few emails to catch up with clients and get some groceries for the weekend. Saturday AM, after my walk, I did some errands and then had time to journal and finish a chapter of a new book I am working on. Then we went to NJ to visit our friends. It was a great drive over, with nice weather, so we put the convertible top down and enjoyed the sunshine. We had a really nice time visiting with our friends and then came home and relaxed. Sunday, after my walk, we did errands together and then met some friends in a village near their home and walked around some cool shops and then sat and had some iced coffees and chatted for a long time. Mark and I then went to a Phillie's game and Barry Bonds hit yet another home run. On the way home I had a chance to speak to Rachel, my niece and catch up. Really nice way to refresh and replenish and now I am into my day feeling much joy!

Terri Levine

Friday, May 05, 2006

I am blessed!

Just got back home after an awesome time visiting my oldest niece, Charlene ("Charlie"). We talked and talked and dined and laughed and cried and shared. It was simply beautiful to be with this fine young woman and enjoy her company and discover more about her. I so admire her strength and compassion and appreciate her and am proud and honored to be her Aunt. I feel so blessed having family that I love deeply and I consider great friends, too!

Terri Levine

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Stress Be Gone!

I can feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel stress in the air as I speak to clients and go about my day. I de-stress following one simple thing I learned from my husband about 18 years ago, which has served me to this day. He said to me once, "If you can do something about something to change it, then do it and stop thinking about it and if you can't, stop thinking about it". At the time it sounded so simple it was almost ridiculous to me and as the years went by I began to understand. Stress is a choice. Just like worry or fear. I choose to live my life feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling happy and peaceful and letting in JOY! I do not choose to have worry and stress and focus on pain and what is not working, so I have to let go of those things that are out of my control. When I let you, I relax. As I said in "Work Yourself Happy", ..."let go and let God".

Terri Levine

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Stop Wasting YOUR Money!

Ok, I have something that really bugs me to get out so buckle up! I hear so many people complaining about lack of money and then see them wasting their money at Starbucks. A daily

cup of coffee and scones adds up like this:
if you are age 25 and put out $4.13 for your coffee each morning instead of putting that money into an index fund until retirement, you are loosing a nest eff of nearly $2 million dollars (based on a 3 percent annual cost of inflation and 12% market returns)

Seriously, can't you get a coffee pot and take 5 min to brew a cup? Mine has an automatic function and brews before I get up and is all ready to go when I am. Or instant coffee. Or, if for some odd reason you have to spend your money to buy coffee, go to the gas station or 7-11 or WaWa (here by me), which sells a cup of coffee for minimal cost.

Stop buying in to media hype that Starbucks plants to tell you and sell you that their coffee is "better". Come on! Be smart.

Think about 2 million dollars before you gulp another cup!

Terri Levine

Monday, May 01, 2006

Month Of May - I'ts Race Time!

I love May as I am a HUGE fan of the Indy 500 and May is all about the Indy 500 for me! This year I even started a super special program to celebrate the race and to honor my passion as a racer myself (yes, I do have my SCAA racing license!). Here is the event I am doing and you can have fun seeing how it ties right in with my two passions: helping people create more success and racing:)

Terri Levine