Friday, April 14, 2006

The Gift of Love

Just got back from Florida where I have to go again next week to finish my testimony. I again focused my energy on what is working and in my journaling and readings and writings I noticed I used the word "love" a lot. I don't use this word lightly. I don't for example "love pizza", although heck I do enjoy it! When I say love I say it coming from a place of deep and great respect, appreciation, gratitude and a deep sense of connection to Spirit.

So, what was I LOVING?

Well, first my amazing husband, Mark. We have been together since we are 17 years old (a long time!) and my love is so strong and deep. I can't discuss the trial or my testimony with him as he is also testifying, so after I leave court I simply look deeply in his eyes and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel our connection and his love.

I LOVE my work and my clients! When I hear their voices, get their emails, receive their cards and gifts, I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel such appreciation for the work I do and who I connect with and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel deeply blessed.

I LOVE my friends! They know how much being away from my clients upsets my life and my energy and they reach out to me and send me loving energy in a way that I can't describe. I carry an angel with me that Shannon gave me and it makes me think of her love, and card that says "enjoy your journey" that Terri Barbato gave me years ago, that makes me think of her and a "post it note" from my loving friend Besty and on and on. They are with me in my heart each day.

I LOVE writing and coaching and that is my passion and purpose.

Finally, I LOVE living yet when it is time for me to pass, I will have no regrets. Each day I come from love and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling love and appreciation. I don't let a minute go by where I am not grateful for the experience of this wonderful life and even appreciate the contrast of life and the energy of others.

I am IN LOVE:)

Terri Levine

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