Friday, February 24, 2006


I really enjoy the weekends as Mark and I have much more time to spend together. Sometimes we spend our time doing errands and other times we do nothing at all. This weekend is going to be a nice blend. Today I am working out and then taking my good friend, Shannon, to Philly for Tea for her birthday. Then, Mark and Shannon's husband, John, are meeting us for a drink and then we are going to a great Italian joint in Philly. Shannon loves chocolate, so part of her birthday celebration is going to another Philly hotel for their hot chocolate stations after dinner.

Saturday we have our usual errands and then we are going to watch some movies and relax.

Sunday is our lazy day and later that night a bunch of us are going to Philly for a Chinese New Year dinner celebration.

What a great way to rest and replenish. I am doing things I love with people I enjoy and having the thing I love most in life - lots of time with my husband.

Create an EXTRAordinary weekend!

Terri Levine

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